
What is PESEL?

The PESEL number contains 11 digits that are exclusively doled out to each individual. This remarkable number permits to distinguish the date of birth and orientation.

For what reason is it worth having the PESEL number?

PESEL qualifies its holder for:

utilize the public medical services framework and get immunization,
use family recompense and help for displaced people,
open a ledger,
select a youngster in a school,
direct business movement,
PESEL is an expense ID for normal people.

What are the circumstances that a Ukrainian outcast requirements to meet to get the PESEL number?

Each resident of Ukraine (and a non-Ukrainian mate of the resident of Ukraine) who entered the domain of the Republic of Poland after 24 February 2022 straightforwardly from the region of Ukraine regarding the demonstrations of battle an on the area of this nation can present an application to have the PESEL number doled out.

Where to present the PESEL application?

Applications for doling out the PESEL number might be submitted to the closest (any) civil element all around the country. A few workplaces expect that guests make an earlier arrangement.

A joint mass places where Ukrainian residents can present their PESEL applications have as of late been opened in Warsaw (the Public Arena) and in Cracow (Tauron Field).

Application structure

Standard arrangement of the application for allocating the PESEL number regarding the contention in Ukraine (accessible in the accompanying language variants: Ukrainian and Clean or Russian and Clean) can be seen as here:

The application structure is additionally accessible straightforwardly at metropolitan workplaces.

Filling in the application

The application will be recorded face to face recorded as a hard copy, on paper, with the candidate's readable transcribed signature, filled in by the candidate or by a worker of the civil office in view of information given by the candidate.

The application will contain: name and family name, date and spot of birth, nation of birth and citizenship, date of section into Poland, Ukrainian ID number (given that the candidate has been doled out one).

While to get admittance to a believed profile the accompanying contact subtleties are moreover required: email address and phone number. The believed profile empowers remote admittance to administrations presented by the state and neighborhood organization (for example submitting applications for cash benefits) and a portable record affirming a displaced person status that may be valuable while taking care of issues with nearby organization bodies and medical services offices.

Extra archives expected to present an application

While recording the application for doling out the PESEL number the candidate should introduce an individual distinguishing proof report used to cross the boundary, e.g.:

a biometric visa,
a Ukrainian inward visa,
the Post's Card (Karta Polaka),
or then again some other report with a photo allowing to lay out the personality of its holder,
for minors under 18 years old - a birth declaration.

It is passable to introduce a record which has been invalided however permits to affirm the personality of the candidate.

In the occasion when no character reports are free, the candidate should present a pertinent explanation, under the punishment of prevarication.


The candidate likewise needs to join a photograph. A few metropolitan workplaces offer the chance of snapping a picture on the spot, for nothing.

The photograph should meet similar rules utilized for public character card photographs, in particular it should be in variety, 35x45 mm, taken against a plain light-hued foundation, equitably lit, with a nearby including the highest point of the head and the highest point of the shoulders, so the face takes up 70-80% of the photo.


The fingerprints are taken at the application accommodation from the individual concerned (applies to people north of 12 years old).

Application for doling out the PESEL number to a kid

Kids under 12 years old don't need to be available at the application accommodation, except for laying out their personality in light of an assertion. One of the guardians, a watchman, gatekeeper promotion litem, a brief watchman selected by the guardianship court or an individual having care of a given kid might hold up the application on his/her benefit.

What amount does it cost?

This is a for nothing administration.

What amount of time will it require?

The strategy for appointing one PESEL number, alongside taking fingerprints, may require up to 30-40 minutes. The candidate will get a print-out affirming that the PESEL number has been relegated. If under any circumstance an individual can't get the PESEL number on the application accommodation day, he/she will be mentioned to visit the workplace by and by on unambiguous days and hours.

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