If you want your kids to enjoy Halloween but are afraid of whatcould happen to them on this haunted night, here are 3 tips for keeping themsafe:

1. Stayin groups- One of the easiest ways to stay safe when you are going out onHalloween is to only go out with a large group of kids. There is no need torisk being kidnapped or stranded alone if you are hurt by going out byyourself. Instead make sure that you have a large group of friends that you cango out with. Make sure that everyone in the group knows who is supposed to bethere and is responsible for keeping track of another person. This will helpyou all to work together to stay safe and enjoy your evening.

2. Takea cell phone with you- If you’re going to be heading out on your own for thefirst time you should ask your parents for a cell phone that you can take withyou so that you can call in case of an emergency. Parents, if your kids are oldenough to go trick-or-treating on their own, then they are old enough to take acell phone with them. In order to make sure that they are safe you shouldcreate timely checkpoints so that they can call in and let you know thateverything is okay. For example, you may want to establish a rule with yourkids that they will call you every hour. If they don’t call you, then theyshould know that you are going to call them, and if they don’t answer you willbe heading out to find them and that once you do find them their night will beover.

3. rifle safe manufacturers Neverleave the little ones- Parents if you have kids who are old enough to go out onHalloween, but you don’t feel like they are old enough to go on their own thenyou need to go with them. Letting your kid go out on their own on Halloweentakes a lot of trust and isn’t something that you should ever do if you don’tfeel comfortable with it. When you do go out with them you can give them somespace by staying on the curb and letting them walk to the door. Or if they arereally little you can go to the door behind them so that they feel safe. It is reallyeasy to get lost, scared, or even kidnapped on a night with so manychildren running around on the streets.It is always better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes totrick-or-treating.

When it comes to safety on Halloween, or any other holiday, it really is better to error on the side of caution.

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