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WordPress Maintenance and Support Services☎️+1-855↹370↹3449☎️⤘,@wordpress @maintenance@support

It’s one of the main reasons why so many webmasters end up letting their website fall by the wayside.
A webmaster may be responsible for content creation, SEO, strategic outreach, social media, general website updates, security and administration. All of these tasks are time-consuming and can leave you with little time for yourself.
If you want to take a sizable number of WordPress tasks off your plate, consider signing up for one of the many WordPress maintenance and support services that are available online.
Maintenance: This can include core WordPress updates, plugin updates, theme updates, website backups, security, uptime monitoring and more
Support: This can help you with website downtime, plugin/theme errors, and theme modifications, and also provide WordPress advice and help with troubleshooting problems
WordPress maintenance and support services can drastically reduce the time you need to spend maintaining your website and tackling issues such as spam, hacks and errors. They take care of the mundane tasks that have to be done — such as plugin and theme updates, security checks and website backups — and which are essential to the success of any online business.
Those who are new to WordPress will benefit from these support services immensely, as they’ll take control of problematic situations you can’t resolve yourself, ensuring your website gets back online quickly.
If you’re an experienced WordPress user, you may feel maintenance and support services don’t offer anything groundbreaking, as they don’t provide help with anything you can’t do yourself. That, however, is missing the point. Support services greatly reduce your workload and allow you to focus your time on more important tasks.
With these benefits in mind, let’s take a closer look at seven of the best WordPress maintenance and support services available.
WP Buffs
WP Buffs are a WordPress maintenance and support service that offer 24/7 support via email and live chat. They’re based in Washington DC in the USA, but they have staff from all around the world.
If you attend WordPress WordCamp conferences, you’ve probably bumped into WP Buffs at some point, as their team regularly attend WordCamp events in the USA and Europe. WP Buffs also show others how they built their business through WPMRR. This website walks you through how you can build monthly recurring revenue using video tutorials and podcasts.
The WP Buffs support plan packages can help you with website edits, security, website backups, website updates and general WordPress support.

Their three main care plans are maintain, protect and perform.
These plans retail at $67 a month, $147 a month and $197 a month, respectively. These prices drop to an effective rate of $56 a month, $123 a month and $164 a month if you pay yearly. Additional plans are also available for those who have highly customised WordPress websites.
The Maintain plan includes daily cloud website backups, weekly WordPress plugin and theme updates, uptime monitoring and weekly reports that give an overview of how your website is doing. WooCommerce Emergency support is provided with this plan to help you to tackle crises such as hacks or malware.
Upgrading to the protect plan increases website backups to twice a day, and grants access to premium WordPress plugins such as iThemes Security Pro, WPMU DEV Smush Pro and WP Rocket. This plan also features unlimited website edits, which means WP Buffs can help you with making changes on your website (check out the WP Buffs FAQ page to see exactly what’s classed as an edit).
The perform plan gives you everything the lower-priced plans do, but it increases website backups to four times a day. WP Buffs will also optimise the speed of your website with this plan, and ensure your website design looks good on smartphones and tablets. Malware removal is included too, and you’ll receive priority support.

If you’re searching for a good WordPress maintenance and support service, WP Buffs are a company to consider. They have a great reputation for providing solid support, and their plans are priced fairly.
If you’re interested in their services, they encourage you to book a call for a chat about what you’re after and all they have to offer.
GoDaddy WordPress Premium Support
Founded in 1997, GoDaddy can lay claim to being the largest domain registrar on the internet and the web hosting company with the most clients.
Over the past five years GoDaddy have been aggressively pursuing the WordPress market. They’re a constant presence at WordPress WordCamp conferences, and their profile highlights the many WordPress plugins and themes they’ve released.
In 2016, they got a head start in the WordPress support world by purchasing WP Curve, who were one of the largest WordPress support services at the time. GoDaddy have branded their WordPress support service as GoDaddy WordPress Premium Support.
Their service only provides support, and doesn’t help with basic maintenance tasks such as plugin and theme updates.
GoDaddy can help you with theme modifications, database management, image optimisation, URL redirects and more, and before they complete any task they’ll back up your website, so it can be restored if necessary.

GoDaddy use a credit system for their support service.
Each task you ask them to complete costs one credit, regardless of how much time it takes. If a problem requires multiple tasks to be completed, you’ll be asked to approve the additional credit usage.
It’s obviously difficult to quantify whether certain problems constitute one or two tasks, but, if you’re unsure, you can ask them to clarify.
GoDaddy’s monthly support plans include a defined number of credits, and the effective rate for each goes down if you buy higher-priced plans. Unused credits aren’t rolled over to the next month.
It costs $49.99 a month for one credit, $79.99 a month for three credits, $99.99 a month for five credits and $149.99 a month for ten credits.

GoDaddy WordPress Premium Support is worth considering if you need help with WordPress modifications, website optimisation and WordPress errors. They can also help less-experienced WordPress users with basic tasks such as installations.
Please remember that GoDaddy doesn’t help you with any WordPress maintenance tasks. Additionally, those of you who need a lot of help with WordPress may be better off going with a service that offers unlimited support.
WP Site Care
WP Site Care are a WordPress maintenance and support service that have been operating since 2012. They’re based in Atlanta, but have staff spread across the United States in places such as Montana and Salt Lake City.
WP Site Care can take control of most WordPress maintenance tasks for you. They perform cloud backups of your website every day, and automatically update the WordPress core and your WordPress plugins and themes to the latest version.
Their service monitors activity on your website in real time and scans for security breaches. If your website is hacked, they charge a one-off fee of $100 for cleaning it up.
There’s no limit to the number of support requests customers can make, and if your support request isn’t covered in your plan the team will give you a quote for how much the job will cost.
WP Site Care’s services may suit North American customers better, as their support hours are 9am to 5pm Eastern Time. Support queries may not be handled until the following day if they’re made outside these hours.

WP Site Care have adopted a simple pricing model.
There are two plans available to customers: Their basic plan costs $99 a month, or an effective rate of $79 a month if paid yearly; their pro plan costs $399 a month, or an effective rate of $299 if paid yearly.
Jumping up to the pro plan brings many benefits, such as increasing backups from daily to hourly and ensuring your support tickets are classified as priority. Two hours of development work are included in this plan, and a staging service is provided for eCommerce websites. Version control is available too, so you can track changes to your code.
The pro plan also provides additional security features, including priority support and Sucuri’s cloudproxy firewall.

If you’re looking for a service that handles WordPress maintenance and provides backups, security checks and support when you need it, you should check out WP Site Care.
Their plans come with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not happy with their service during this time, you’ll get a full refund.
Maintain are a WordPress maintenance and support company that provide their customers with weekly service reports and support via email and live chat. The company was launched by WebDevStudios in 2012.
Their maintenance plans include off-site website backups, 24/7 security monitoring, and weekly updates to the WordPress core, WordPress plugins and WordPress themes.
Once you’ve signed up to Maintainn you can install a support button on your WordPress dashboard, so you can get help directly from your WordPress admin area. The Maintainn team can give you support on a number of WordPress issues, such as website migration, development, website errors, downtime and more.

Maintainn offer three maintenance plans: Standard, professional and enterprise.
If you pay monthly, the plans cost $59 a month, $179 a month, and $299 a month, respectively. By paying yearly, you can reduce the effective monthly price to $49 a month, $149 a month and $249 a month.
The standard plan offers daily website backups, weekly WordPress updates and WordPress support when you need it. Security scanning is provided with this plan too, but a one-time fee of $99 is charged for cleaning up a hacked website.
The professional plan removes the website clean-up fee and increases website backups to twice a day. This plan also adds uptime monitoring, performance checks and support for eCommerce websites and WordPress multisite. Maintainn will also assign a dedicated project manager who’ll help you to manage your website and give you a better level of support.
The enterprise plan is geared more towards larger companies. Customers get access to a collaboration environment, version changes and website staging. Website backups are performed four times a day under this plan too, and customers are encouraged to review websites changes in the staging environment before they go live.

Maintainn are an affordable WordPress maintenance and support service that will reduce the time you spend administrating your website.
If you pay monthly, their entry-level plan is only $59 a month, which is a good deal when you consider this includes support, WordPress updates, security scans and daily website backups.
Valets are a WordPress maintenance and support company that have a great reputation online. The company was launched in the USA in 2011 as WP Valet by Mason James and Kimberly Lipari, and rebranded as Valet in 2016. Today, they have staff working remotely from around the world, such as Milan Ivanovic, who is well known in the WordPress world for organising multiple WordCamp Europe conferences.
Valet’s maintenance plan retails at $69 a month.
This plan offers: Incremental offsite daily website backups, which are stored for 30 days; CloudFlare CDN implementation; and updates of the WordPress core, and your WordPress plugins and themes. Interestingly, Valet manually update plugins and themes instead of using cron jobs.
Their maintenance plan also includes security scanning and uptime monitoring.
have three additional support and consultation packages that can be purchased on a one-time basis or on a recurring basis.
The company have taken a different approach to other WordPress support companies by stating that their basic plan is suitable for websites with less than 10,000 visitors a month, their professional plan is suitable for websites with less than 100,000 visitors a month and their elite plan is suitable for websites with less than 500,000 visitors a month.
The basic plan retails at $300, and includes two hours of support every month. The professional plan costs $750 a month and includes five hours of support every month. They recommend this plan for eCommerce and membership websites.
Their most expensive plan is their elite plan, which includes ten hours of support every month, and was designed to help companies that needed additional help with marketing and IT, but that didn’t want to hire another member of staff.
Further consultation is available at $175 a month, and website assessments are available from $1,400.

While Valet’s maintenance plan is a little more expensive than alternative solutions on the market, I do feel that at $69 a month, their service is still competitive — especially when you consider you’d be working with a prestigious company with a high level of experience. However, please remember that their maintenance plan doesn’t include support.
Valet have clearly positioned their support plans at the higher end of the market, so if you’re looking for premium WordPress support I recommend checking them out.
WP Tech Support
WP Tech Support are a WordPress maintenance and support company that have offices in the UK, USA and India. Their global locations allow them to give customers support 24/7 via their secure customer panel.
They offer WordPress updates, security scanning, offsite website backups, performance enhancements and general WordPress support.
With support plans retailing from only $25 a month, WP Tech Support are undoubtedly one of the cheapest WordPress support services online.

They have four support plans: Basic, standard, pro and business. Based on a six-month purchase up front, these plans retail at an effective rate of $25 a month, $36 a month, $48 a month and $68 a month, respectively.
All plans include weekly reports, daily security scans, and weekly WordPress updates for WordPress plugins and the WordPress core.
The basic plan includes one emergency fix, weekly website backups and 24-hour ticket support, Monday to Friday. If you pay another $11 a month to upgrade to the standard plan, website backups are made daily and you get access to support at the weekend too. A website health check is also provided.
Unlimited emergency fixes are provided with the $48-a-month pro plan. This plan also includes WordPress theme updates, malware removal and 60 minutes of website improvement help. The most expensive plan is the business plan: For $68 a month, you’ll receive 90 minutes of website improvement, provision of an SSL certificate for your website, and SEO and performance optimisation.
Basic and standard plan holders can get additional emergency fixes for $65 each. A performance tuneup is also available for a one-off fee of $115, and custom development is billed at $115 an hour.

WP Tech Support offer some of the cheapest support packages in the WordPress world. This alone makes them an attractive option to many WordPress users.
You should, however, be sure to check whether their plans do exactly what you need, as some are a bit lacking. For example, you need to purchase their pro or business plan to receive WordPress theme updates, and even their top support plan only offers daily backups.
It’s still easy to recommend WP Tech Support, as their plans offer fantastic value for money.
Newt Labs
Newt Labs are a WordPress support company that offer website backups, WordPress updates, security scanning and hack clean-ups.
Based in Cambridge in the UK, Newt Labs work with many established companies and customers around the globe. However, you should bear in mind that their support hours are 9am to 5pm GMT, so customers outside Europe may want to consider a different service.
Their maintenance and support plans start from just £59 a month. In addition to providing ongoing monthly WordPress maintenance and support, Newt Labs also offer one-off emergency fixes for £75 and emergency clean-ups for £175.
All Newt Labs prices are quoted without VAT.

The Newt Labs proactive plan costs £59 a month if paid monthly and £49 a month if paid yearly. This plan includes email and live chat support, unlimited small website fixes, managed WordPress updates and daily website backups to the cloud. Security scanning and hack clean-ups are provided in this plan, too.
The performance plan costs £119 a month if paid monthly or £99 a month if paid yearly. This plan includes a shared cloud hosting package that has 4GB of memory, two core CPU, 80GB SSD and 4TB of bandwidth.
Many other premium features are included in this plan, such as Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates, Cloudflare integration, uptime monitoring, website performance optimisation and website staging. The image optimisation WordPress plugin WP Smush Pro is provided in this plan too, together with version control to help you to keep track of changes.
The most expensive plan from Newt Labs is protection. Retailing at £239 a month if paid monthly, or £199 a month if paid yearly, it comes with a dedicated cloud hosting package that has 2GB of memory, one core CPU, 50GB of SSD and 2TB of bandwith. Website backups are performed hourly, and a secondary backup location is included.
Sucuri’s Cloudproxy firewall is included in the plan too, alongside the premium WordPress plugins iThemes Security Pro and WP Migrate DB Pro. Customers also have their support requests marked as priority.

It’s clear that Newt Labs took customer’s requirements when designing their support plans, as they’re well-tailored for essential WordPress tasks, and come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Their entry-level plan offers everything you’d expect from a maintenance and support plan, but their more expensive plans include hosting and many additional premium features.
I recommend checking them out.
Honourable Mentions
There just isn’t enough time to talk about every WordPress support service, but I’d like to give an honourable mention to three additional companies.
WP Site Plan are a WordPress support company based in the USA that offer support from just $29 a month. Their entry-level plan gives you daily off-site website backups, uptime monitoring, security scans, and WordPress core, theme, and plugin updates.
Another service to consider are WordPress. The company is based in Idaho in the USA, but have staff in The Philippines to help them to provide 24/7 support.
Their support plans retail from $79 a month and include WordPress support, website backups, malware scanning, database optimisation and iThemes Security Pro integration for security.

My final recommendation is FixRunner.
Operating out of Israel, USA and Serbia, their entry-level plan retails at $59 a month. This plan includes WordPress updates, 90 minutes of support every month, speed optimisation, website backups and security scanning.
Final Thoughts
The WordPress support market is highly competitive, so I encourage you to shop around and speak to many companies about what your requirements are.
Some factors to consider when selecting a WordPress service:
Maintenance: Do you need a company to handle WordPress updates, security scanning and uptime monitoring, or are these tasks you want to take care of yourself?
Support: How important is support to you? Do you need access to experienced WordPress developers regularly or do you just need help when your website experiences a major error or hack?
Locality: Is it important to you that the support company is local?
Level of Support: Is unlimited support provided, or are you restricted to a certain number of hours of support or a pre-defined number of fixes?
Telephone Support: Do you need telephone support, or are you happy to receive support via email and live chat?
Support Availability: Are you happy restricting support to office hours, or do you need 24/7 support?
Price: Can your business afford to pay for the package you need? Are there cheaper alternatives? Would it be cheaper to hire a new member of staff instead?
Using any of these WordPress maintenance services? Thoughts?

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