The pet you have make magic out of you and your teammates, but you'll also purge and even lock the enemy team not to mention how it also decreases the damage you sustain by 20% as well
WoTLK Classic Gold. The reason you should be an disease Warlock is due to the fact that you enjoy multitasking and having the most control you can give. However, you'll also be rotting your opponents to death
Why you wouldn't want to use an Affliction Warlock is because they're quite fluffy and the only defense they have is their portal, which if placed or used incorrectly will assure your death. You also wouldn't enjoy the speck, if you don't like having to focus on many things at once. When you're fighting a warlock, affliction or good one, your entire team will die because no one has the ability to cast, and whenever you try to make pressure, your DPS will not just be trapped in fear but as well, that fear could be covered with unstable affliction.
This way, when your healer attempts to dispel the affliction so that you can be offensive again, the healer eats damage is then killed by the unstable condition that's on them. When played directly affliction Warlocks can be a frightening sight to behold. Up next is destruction or Destro. The main difference between this back and affliction is that affliction is all about general pressure and destruction is primarily about targeted pressure.
The purpose of the distraction warlock is to get the emulator set on an area of interest and then go to a screen where you could free cast for a couple of seconds and land in your Chaos bolt and incinerate your Tron flag
buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold. It is likely that you will be using Succubus and the majority of games since you will need an additional CSC to keep people off your. Since you are so reliant on testing tassel and incident rates to be successful.