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Vue (clarified/vjuː/, like view) is a JavaScript structure for building UIs. It makes top of standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and gives a convincing and part based programming model that assists you with capably making UIs, be it clear or complex.

Here is an irrelevant model:

import { createApp } from 'vue'

information() {
return {
count: 0


Count is: 0
The above model shows the two spot areas of Vue:

Astonishing Rendering: Vue makes standard HTML with an association language structure that licenses us to thoroughly portray HTML yield considering JavaScript state.

Reactivity: Vue, as a rule, tracks JavaScript state changes and skillfully restores the DOM when changes occur.

You may now have questions - you can relax. We will cover every single detail in the remainder of the documentation. For the present, if that nobody truly minds in any case, read along so you can have a titanic level impression of what Vue offers.


The remainder of the documentation expects central data on HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Expecting you are absolutely new to frontend improvement, it probably won't be the most splendid method to jump convincingly into a development as your mystery new development - handle the vagabond pieces then, at that point, return! Related data with different plans helps, yet isn't needed.

The Progressive Framework#
Vue is a technique and environment that covers by a wide margin the vast majority of the standard parts expected in frontend improvement. Regardless, the web is exceptionally shocking - the things we support the web might change fundamentally in plan and scale. Taking into account that, Vue is should have been versatile and persistently adoptable. Reliant upon your use case, Vue can be utilized in various ways:

Restoring static HTML without an improvement step
Presenting as Web Components on any page
Single-Page Application (SPA)
Fullstack/Server-Side-Rendering (SSR)
JAMStack/Static-Site-Generation (SSG)
Focusing in on work area, flexible, WebGL or even the terminal
Assuming you notice these assessments assaulting, unwind! The illuminating action and guide basically require essential HTML and JavaScript information, and you ought to have the decision to follow without being a specialist in any of these.

Progressing forward through that you are a made producer amped up for the best technique for directing circuit Vue into your stack, or you are captivated concerning what these terms mean, we talk about them in more subtleties in Ways of Using Vue.trouver un developpeur vue.js

Notwithstanding the flexibility, the center information concerning how Vue limits is shared across these use cases. Whether or not you are only a novice now, the information gained on the way will remain tremendous as you make to manage each of the extra astonishing targets later on. Expecting you are a veteran, you can pick the best procedure for utilizing Vue considering the issues you are endeavoring to make due, while holding a tantamount worth. Thusly we propose Vue as "The Progressive Framework": an outline can make with you and adjust to your essentials.

Single-File Components

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