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By Monday, the heaviest rains had moved into fashion kid dresses the mid Atlantic states. Along the Jersey Shore, some beaches devastated by Superstorm Sandy three years ago lost most of their sand to the wind, rain and high surf. Nikki Haley warned citizens to remain careful as a "wave" of water swelled downstream and dams had to be opened to prevent catastrophic failures above low lying neighborhoods near the capital..

I didn't have a chance to visit any yarns stores while in town I was only there for two days perhaps next time. I was lucky enough to run into Neil Gaiman and his daughter, Maddy, at the airport on my way home and he was incredibly kind and gracious he even invited my friend Yara and I to go through the VIP expedited check in and security service with him. While we waited for the plane he signed some books for me to give my kids and I gave him and Maddy a pair of 1/12 scale miniature gloves I knitted..

"Real corpses are in every issue of the magazine, we just don't specify which ones." Rhine added, and indeed the book does run serious pieces on noteworthy tombs, catacombs and grave robbing sites around the world, as well as profiles of death metal bands and horror filmmakers. Rhine is very upfront, however, about the magazine's approach to living flesh. "We work with adult stars because it's part of the extreme world the magazine covers, but we have no nudity in the magazine and never have," Rhine pointed out.

In a contemporary context, it's really about younger black men who are rejecting this image that the corporate hip hop machine has come to dictate of what it means to be black and masculine. At one point in time, hip hop was very oppositional. It was protest music, it was coming out of urban youth culture.

Now to Ram Gopal Varma's Muse. The girl, whose 'talent' had been blown grossly out of proportion by the creator of 'Phoonk', proves her mettle as far as gyrating to 'Dan Dan Cheeni' is concerned. Apart from that, she is instrumental in titillating the fantasies of many men within the theatre and without.

I was contacted by Shere Coleman and Georgina Haynes of the costuming department of Laika. They explained to me that they had always wanted knitted items for their movies but could never find anyone to knit at that small a scale. They told me that my knitting had just the magical quality that they were looking for in their new, feature length animated movie, "Coraline." Had I not had a Web site, they probably would not have found me..
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