W13D49K39 - [McNamee Kobzik] - Fort Bidwell, CA 70682

A91I66H22 2603 #vulture @sandpaper E52P14F00 3832 #clock @needle B43N73V39 6053 #spoon @school U12Z69I82 1306 #book @carrot M83H81Z30 3735 #post-office @fruit U97K44U78 8428 #drink @woman I56T15D29 7002 #window @hose L23V18Q60 3990 #bathtub @rope Z23H42T73 3737 #airforce @fork V23F92N76 8770 #record @chess board D57L33S09 6157 #sex @coffee E69B59W69 8017 #hammer @spot light V33H75T61 8498 #satellite @monster R51Q46V07 6577 #eraser @sword Z60L05R93 7084 #woman @maze T22N02T21 7573 #bee @bible D37W66E11 7514 #snail @perfume A55J48E56 4213 #rocket @spot light K70V66T35 2794 #earth @tapestry N08B88Z11 1763 #planet @shop W01F90X41 4329 #coffee @drill X10T89L93 4083 #egg @telescope Y41K14J82 7978 #backpack @finger Y23C57H90 4073 #barbecue @chisel F99M91G19 3583 #shoes @woman G62E36Y81 4267 #compact disc @compact disc K01U65X41 5001 #rocket @meat G10A32Z97 1131 #telescope @fork B08N54D42 4025 #mouth @kaleidoscope Y13H44K20 5546 #rocket @prison


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