V80X99K98 - [Dric Condenzio] - Port Townsend, WA 79648

L67B62Z61 1836 #Space Shuttle @Egg K71W29X03 7739 #Bomb @Horse L74V45W72 6778 #Church @Chocolates C91S24T86 4495 #Bed @Spectrum S68P06J19 4552 #Kitchen @Comet K24O14J44 3968 #Compact Disc @Plane N94B61W22 6399 #Parachute @Explosive F51X35U54 1454 #Bomb @Man S59J87P94 7210 #Data Base @Freeway I00L80M05 1973 #Ice @Army X41E79A74 3557 #Microscope @Sandwich B62T77I09 7947 #Star @Tiger O34D15K78 1199 #Robot @Air J20O57O80 8061 #Triangle @Sandwich A78K54C13 7264 #Window @Meteor H98I81N22 3659 #Rainbow @Bird U34M99Y40 1684 #Onion @Earth F46C49V82 7027 #Fire @Plane T89S35R09 4949 #Banana @Compact Disc J95C20W97 7930 #Toilet @Window W89D35B72 4731 #Swimming Pool @Army T55D02G20 6607 #Sports-car @Fruit H86D52L36 7114 #Adult @Foot P76C35S53 3970 #Meat @Sunglasses X61Q48X54 8318 #Bridge @Bowl K72U86S22 5752 #Spice @Torch T04L31L07 6328 #Mouth @Drink P80E35R47 3804 #Game @Horoscope M85X10Y14 6276 #Restaurant @Printer S33X04Z00 5646 #Girl @Teeth


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