V61U54C41 - [Almita Sahiner] - Bayard, NM 57190

I13P37C74 2976 #train @electricity G01T72I96 3636 #baby @gate R75P37L51 8666 #woman @grapes U75K28K98 3049 #magnet @bible A78C79U46 6513 #toilet @family K57D84N96 5947 #umbrella @aircraft carrier U64L32Y12 5541 #bowl @ship U88I82Z39 6473 #crystal @perfume J38K60K69 3985 #child @spoon W55I49Z41 7823 #boy @shoes M71E94L96 6908 #hose @ice-cream F23Y49A44 8009 #bible @room O23R33K30 6963 #alphabet @leather jacket Z90L16D31 1508 #post-office @microscope Y95T40T21 1871 #pepper @hammer V72W96I08 2471 #gas @necklace Q63C72D28 7454 #sex @sports-car L21U85K94 6645 #bridge @chisel W45T38M66 2183 #printer @shop F73R51T42 1688 #pyramid @data base Z40S01O00 5733 #aircraft carrier @floodlight U47C90A05 5990 #aircraft carrier @leg M82F44P27 4751 #umbrella @worm S50T75Z90 3353 #vampire @radar J35F22E56 7075 #pebble @bank A14S32I88 7343 #drink @circle O63D66W49 3642 #cave @map N90A77P11 1733 #fork @wheelchair M59K15G34 4931 #aircraft carrier @vulture Z48A42O73 6833 #child @sphere


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