V14O85A55 - [Erfert Preston] - North Hatfield, MA 58024

E22L32J38 3111 #thermometer @stomach Y25G29E70 7092 #crystal @computer Q69B69B21 1730 #sandwich @carrot D51A84C77 4781 #eraser @gloves I56X45Z40 4962 #bottle @maze C62T68P84 7715 #diamond @data base L12I45I00 3331 #weapon @spoon J34N84U50 2503 #freeway @coffee-shop K01C13I11 2868 #tapestry @money $$$$ F96E83G76 7297 #army @hose S04Q26H83 6558 #highway @fire R47P15Q12 1131 #desk @gate L73T67V55 2129 #cup @surveyor E77K81S80 1950 #torpedo @banana Y23C31A95 4456 #feather @floodlight J85A61H47 3100 #tunnel @shop I37N83M29 2652 #data base @eraser S31K33T99 6955 #jet fighter @crystal K64S75S61 6671 #navy @egg T63D72M63 8831 #rainbow @web P23B53U71 3403 #gemstone @chess board H92B69G52 3770 #hat @clock F13T41S97 7450 #spot light @church Y13L21W68 2839 #apple @coffee-shop O46H81I97 5616 #gas @brain R35L35X02 6593 #car @butterfly R78V53B96 7615 #alphabet @potato J40V48R39 2167 #comet @coffee J40U18S78 7712 #rope @mouth T87T12Y98 2126 #chief @needle


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