
Understanding and Improving Patient Satisfaction

Patient satisfaction and experience are high priorities for healthcare institutions today. Especially when patients see themselves as buyers of healthcare services. They know that if a healthcare provider can’t deliver the services they’re looking for, there are others who can. As hospitals and medical businesses realize that healthcare has become a value-based system and patient rights are necessary, providing quality healthcare can be a crucial differentiator.

Improving patient satisfaction and experience is also important for another major reason. Patients often come to hospitals in distress and pain. It’s important that healthcare providers don’t add to their concerns with sub-par experiences that can cause immense frustration to patients and their families. Instead, analyzing common triggers and actively improving on them can help you identify different ways to keep patients satisfied and comfortable.

To improve patient satisfaction, we must first understand it! Read on to know what patient satisfaction is, why it’s important for your business, and how it can be measured and analyzed.

What is patient satisfaction?

Simply put, patient satisfaction is measuring how well your patient was treated during their visit to your hospital. It not only includes the quality of healthcare your patient receives, but also their own perception on how efficient, timely, positive and satisfying your services are.

Patient satisfaction is quite similar to customer satisfaction. Just like customer satisfaction can affect future shopping experiences, loyalty and customer experience, patient satisfaction can directly impact clinical outcomes, future patient visits and overall patient experience.

The importance of measuring patient satisfaction

Now that we understand patient satisfaction a little more, it’s very evident why measuring it is essential. Measuring patient satisfaction gives you a better understanding of how your patients perceive your treatment, hospital practices and even your administrative policies.

Measuring patient satisfaction can also help you recognize what healthcare practices are working and which aren’t. With regular patient assessments, you can determine how exactly to provide better patient care for others in the future. This patient-centric approach can even improve your overall business reputation too.

How to measure and assess patient satisfaction

As we appreciate just how important patient satisfaction is, how exactly can we measure it easily and quantifiably? The answer is just three words – patient satisfaction surveys!

While personal interviews or focus groups can be used to understand patient sentiment on a variety of topics, surveys can collect actionable data from a large group of patients more easily.

Though patient satisfaction surveys collect patient data on a wide range of topics like hospital experience, pros and cons, areas of improvement etc., it’s equally important to learn how to assess patient satisfaction data. Here are some of the ways to analyze your patient data effectively:

Sentiment analysis
By tracking your patients’ sentiments about your healthcare services, offerings or your business as a whole, you can determine how you are doing in comparison to your competition or even the healthcare industry collectively.

Conjoint analysis
This method helps you measure how patients make decisions based on various attributes within a product/service. For eg. Conjoint analysis can be very helpful when you wish to know whether your patients prefer relying on the brand, price or side-effects when choosing a particular drug.

Trend analysis
As you collect your patient data over a long period, you can plot your patient satisfaction numbers over time to identify any consistencies or trends. This can eventually help you predict future patient behavior and regularly manage quality challenges.

Conducting smart analysis on your patients’ data can help you understand their expectations better, enable you to fine-tune your offerings and ensure you stay ahead of your competition!

Benefits of measuring patient satisfaction

As you consistently capture patient satisfaction scores, you have all the data points you need to communicate openly with healthcare vendors, doctors, staff and more. In addition, here are some of the many benefits of measuring patient satisfaction:

Actioning on the feedback you receive from patient satisfaction surveys can help you increase patient retention, and even patient loyalty in the long run.
As your patient loyalty increases, you can even charge a premium for your services which patients will be willing to pay for!
Great patient satisfaction levels can also reduce the risk of malpractice claims.
As you provide exceptional experiences to happy patients, you create an environment of positivity for your staff. Patient satisfaction can indirectly improve staff morale, productivity and even reduce attrition.
As healthcare best practices, policies and systems evolve especially due to the pandemic, understanding, measuring and improving patient satisfaction and experiences has become more important than ever!

Philomath Research can accurately capture patient satisfaction data and provide actionable insights for your business. If you wish to know how satisfied your patients are, Philomath can help!

We are a leading market research firm recognized for our cutting edge qualitative and quantitative research solutions. Contact us to know how to measure and improve patient satisfaction. For more information on our research services, click here .

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