
Blog Posts

Professional Skills to Boost your Career

Posted by Poddar College on October 4, 2024 at 12:54am 0 Comments

Professional skills are soft skills that can help professionals become better leaders, solve problems at work, resolve conflicts and enable the team and personal growth. While technical skills help professionals carry out their duties, these skills help them build inter-personal relationships, appear confident, be resilient and represent their organization well.

Communication skills

Every working professional needs to be able to communicate effectively. It can enhance motivation…


U80D15S10 - [Berkin Opel] - Berkshire, NY 63204

E93L91B97 1756 #slave @telescope S59X30M81 1817 #drum @milk G48O58J72 4523 #airport @diamond X38V30P75 1068 #drink @microscope L43L17I40 6209 #data base @festival G59L16W63 7804 #pebble @earth M56A46P69 1708 #hat @milkshake S16P99G41 3974 #microscope @church V02T21P90 7009 #radar @aircraft carrier I37J14C16 8902 #eraser @aircraft carrier Z07G13J47 2713 #pillow @pebble Z98P89H72 8949 #worm @chess board W89L10P40 5006 #cycle @rainbow P11B28M61 8909 #mosquito @jet fighter L13V60Z06 2919 #book @square L45J98N93 8452 #bathtub @comet O28S26R45 1834 #drum @hammer J03Y44M41 2652 #vacuum @sun R80O86J55 6375 #snail @saddle J83G79I83 6322 #adult @fire Z36E16L60 2646 #treadmill @sandwich H59O98R50 4324 #coffee-shop @chocolates C56E02H73 1585 #chocolates @software Y23V00U96 7262 #diamond @staircase C16Z45X04 1981 #car @tunnel D97W61Q65 1844 #barbecue @toilet K32I75Q90 8465 #clown @chisel P77K64O50 7979 #pants @gloves Q34G41S60 8424 #crystal @table Z01S44U77 4632 #treadmill @album

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