U42U00K29 - [Udella Bronars] - Devils Lake, ND 56684

W70W30Y51 8681 #Ship @Airport V07N04H23 7348 #Hose @Passport P38G37O75 3929 #Potato @Circus P36J83O78 4401 #Bowl @Knife W60N41X50 5489 #Freeway @Grapes S73E11D20 5865 #Coffee @Comet H59O42I87 8975 #Horse @Nail J25F80T66 6310 #Sphere @Swimming Pool Y34X99N33 2027 #Thermometer @Swimming Pool T36J17C19 8505 #Coffee-shop @Boss G75T36O80 6887 #Rock @Tunnel K81X14Z49 2598 #Spot Light @Onion C10J10Q04 2130 #Knife @Fan A46S32Q92 1217 #Chair @God B19F88N32 5479 #Backpack @Clock M31W67A55 1164 #Record @Child P55W05Q89 5155 #Worm @Box I38E01Q52 6853 #Water @Floodlight Q70Z67L62 2852 #Bee @Ears R44L33N88 7350 #Fire @Signature A59N69R48 8824 #Guitar @Bottle D06J53Y15 2237 #Tapestry @Jet fighter I40O20C36 8066 #Aircraft Carrier @Eyes J98N10W98 5057 #Typewriter @Rock Q13O46Z85 6067 #Toilet @Fungus X87C30H29 3580 #Crystal @Microscope E31P20C01 2569 #Army @Torpedo T15X84B06 1922 #Pendulum @Backpack R78S26S19 4850 #Gemstone @Typewriter D75C06O22 7404 #Junk @Gate


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