
A paper on cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome and its genetic underpinnings um so this is a condition in which people develop uh nausea vomiting abdominal Buy Terpenes pain and uh strange behavior of taking hot showers at baths to alleviate symptoms this occurs.

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Only in the context of high-dose generally chronic thc usage uh it's related to thc and that's explained in the the mutations that we saw in the gene testing i wish i could say that having a profile high in cbd was going to take care of it but that's not what people experience and when people stop for a while the symptoms will hopefully go away um but people don't tend to stop permanently and when they resume as soon as they seem to develop any tolerance again they're susceptible to other attacks um our paper on this is available open-source at at the library i think it's at the top it'll be easy to find and you can read.

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That free no paywall um and all it explained we're working on what other things might help treat this but right now abstinence is the the answer i'm afraid the good part is there are many people who have equivalent levels of intake that don't develop this certain people uh with these genetic mutations seem to be susceptible to it unfortunately that's not everyone and that's ethan in the library right right that's for matt and um okay let's do three more minutes here melissa what is the safety of inhaling higher levels of terpenes called terp dropping have these been studied for safety with inhalation i guess like is it okay to inhale terpenes uh yeah it's okay to inhale terpenes particularly vaporization in the proportions that are present in cannabis flower okay straight out of the chute that should be all right um let's give an example i've talked about how great alpha pining is however at high concentrations uh alpha pinene is irritating to the skin potentially to the lungs it will cause uh coughing um and yeah it could be a problem um so like anything else we don't want too much of a good thing um and i'd be really careful of concentrates um again the proportions we see in the flower which can be up to five percent total tarps is probably safe enough um and particularly for um use other than uh by inhalation um there shouldn't be a big problem all right that's a answer that i needed to hear as well for all the people that asked me that uh from phil you didn't mention eucalyptol cineole terpene is that worth the discussion and what about possible allergic reactions to be aware of when combining certain terpenes um some of the terps um will be sensitizers on the skin if they're exposed to light so even limonene uh can break down into uh gets uh oxidized True Terpenes can produce sensitization reactions um one five cineole is not something we're seeing much these days in cannabis we did include it in the paper with john mcpartlin in 2001 um so again you can find that

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