
Tank Universal 2 Addons

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About This Game

Inspired by the shapes and spaces of Tron and the gameplay of Battlezone, the sequel to 'Tank Universal' has arrived!

Title: Tank Universal 2
Genre: Action, Indie, Simulation
Phil Jones
Dialogue Design
Release Date: 13 Oct, 2016


  • OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3
  • Processor: Dual Core CPU
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM

  • English

    tank universal 2. paterson universal tank with 2 reels. tank universal 2 download. paterson universal tank and 2 reels-#115. tank universal 2 download free

    As awesome as it looks initally, it certainly far exceeds the original Tank Universal in overall gameplay. Hoever, there are some issues that need to be addressed. Stating with the glaring issue is the game balance and AI functionality. Starting with just the second level when attempting to 'hack landing pads', wave after wave of these small and agile tanks are sent after you and your only option is a cannon that can fire a shell once ever four seconds or so. There is no way to get ahead of the pump. On top of that, your so called allies will cut in front of you and just stop. And thanks to allied collision, you get stuck. No damage, but it breaks the flow of gameplay horribly, especially when you are trying to race to 'hack' and maintain control on multiple points around the map. The one game breaker that I have found is the Full Screen vs Windowed mode. When in windowed, a small portion hides behind the taskbar. When in fullscreen, if you even think about alt-tabbing out, when you try to get back in, you will be faced with a white screen that will lockdown your computer and force a hard restart in order to clear. I would love to recommend this game, but it was pulled out of early access a bit too soon. Should these be fixed, I will more than happily update this review.. I have loved the first game, truly, Now it is almost 10 years later and we are nearing the end of the wait for the sequel. I love how this game is basically an improved version of the first game, with upgrade systems and more things to do. I would like to make a few notes for the developer to read: -I believe its a glitch, but after I spend 150 upgrade points, it automatically gives me 150 more, for an infinite number -After mission 3, the cutscene plays but there is no text. -During mission 5, my tank gets destroyed and I am unsure where to get another. Not a glitch but still -Game crashed as I tried to leave the BeamTower in mission 5 -When selecting resolutions, I do not see 1440p or 4K available. I hope to see these in furthur updates. I would actually appreciate it if the developer took some more time to polish off this game, and actually realease it on August 21, 2018. I believe that is the 10th Anniversary of the first game, and I would find that awesome.. I loved the original and this one is better just a good old fashion tank game with a neat story line.. INTRODUTION* It is such a great game. I remember when I was 8 years old and I found on the internet Tank Universal demo. It was a great game. 1 year ago I found full version of Tank Universal. Bought it immidiately. I love this type of games. I didn't expect Tank Universal 2 to come out, but it did! I bought it for 2 and as I see devs are working on updates. There isn't much to say about this game because it is in early access. The devs added hub battle mode which I am testing now.. Great successor to a severely underrated indie title. I've been waiting for this game for nearly a decade, playing the original when I was no more than ten, and am not dissapointed. While not totally revolutionary, it's certainly worth the money and I look forward to future updates. Tanks.

    Update March 2019: A patch, price drop and a bonus new unit : PATCH New patch for the game Tank Universal 2 today. This includes fixes for upgrades not being correctly retained between levels or when restarting a level after game exited and reloaded. Issue also fixed whereby player could lose upgrades if restarting game at a level where player was first spawned on foot and not in a tank. Tank repair bay height increased so if player in heavy tank (or respawns in heavy tank) will not get stuck. This could be a problem in the level 'Difficulty Spike'. PRICE DROP The game has had a price drop recently, making it even more attractive to get in a tank and blast virtual baddies. So read what the reviews have to say and give it a go! BONUS NEW UNIT Finally, as mentioned in the discussion forum the other day, this update includes a new unit: the missile tank. The Missile Tank only appears in zone 4 - so later in the campaign - and appears primarily in fortress assaults and defence levels, but may appear elsewhere. The sneaky unit has the ability to fire a large homing missile at a target from a distance. This missile is deadly but slow moving and can be shot down.. Update September 2018: boss! : Hi all. It's not quite September but close enough for another update! Some good content included in this new build. First up, a console and basic cheat commands. Hit the tilde key and type help for a list of these commands. God mode, level warp, get extra upgrade points and energy shards. Note that god mode may be turned off after some cutscenes. In addition to the console, a basic savegame system is in. Levels not yet completed will not be available (unless you use the console warp command). Note that if the player exits during a battle, they'll have to restart the level. Battle states are not saved. Good news is that upgrades are persistant. This means when restarting a level, the player will have the same upgrades installed as when they exited the level. It also means the player can replay any earlier level with their latest upgrades installed. Thiinking here is that if the player loses the game (all lives gone or the Megatower is completed), they can restart the level with their last upgrades intact, rogue-lite style. Heavy tank dig-in protection fixed/rebalanced: This upgrade should now work as expected. Digging in further away from the nuke blast centre will give less damage. Upgrading the ability will also protect against damage. At max dig-in upgrade level, a heavy tank can dig-in and take no damage from a nuke blast. NOTE: the player will still need to be clear of the immediate blast zone so get outside the fortress area before digging in. On-foot health/stamina meters reworked to include jetpack charge. Two new fortress defence bosses! These guys turn up at the end of fortress defence levels in zones 3 and 4. Zone 1: Special Heavy Tank Zone 2: Megaron Tank (a crowd fav from TU1) Zone 3: Rolling Ball of Doom Pretty self explanatory. When locked on to a target, Gorgon's eye will appear upon the ball along with a red glow. Use turbo to keep out of its way. If it does lock on to you, fully charged shots can push it away. Additionally, if it rolls over another tank, it may lose interest in you. Likes to destroy fortress walls. Zone 4: Bomb Lobber The Bomb Lobber has an energy port on one side of its turret. It will try to turn this port away from you. Hit the port to deal massive damage. Watch out for the bombs - they're very powerful. Either collect armour or hit F2 to regen as they explode. Other improvements: The Commander will now give an upgrade point bonus on completing a level. Messaging fixes - particularly messages appearing during fortress levels when they shouldn't. Extra messaging about resistance powerstations/powerlines and their fragility. Bombers should no longer get snagged on level geometry. Extra cutscene before lvl 14 explaining Pylon stealth level. Repair bays in lvl 14 now appearing on radar. Heavy tank blue shells damage strength increased. Extra cutscene for when game lost due to Megatower being completed before final level. Player tank damage will be carried over into next level. Visual glitching when fortress walls taking damage has been reduced. Boss radar target deleted when boss destroyed (e.g. Megaron Tank) Lastly, have decided to delay bringing the game out of EA until the end of January. This doesn't mean the game won't be completed until then - if progress continues as its been going, the game should be good to go late Nov. But leaving the launch till late Jan will provide more time to try and build word of mouth and find bugs. It should also be a quieter time when the game might get more attention. It's taken a long time to get to this stage - no point rushing things at the end.. Update August 2018: cutscene palooza : Hi all. It's August and I'm happy to announce a new build for the month. The bulk of last month's work has been on completing the artwork for all the cutscenes throughout the game. Although a review may see tweaks to that artwork, the story aspect of the game is now complete. This is an important milestone in that it means dev work can return to fun things such as bug squashing, adding extra bosses and sorting out the save system. There's still a good block of work to be done, but I'd like to pose a question about release timing. When should TU2 leave early access? Do you guys have any thoughts? Doing some research on Google, a few points come up. Firstly, some say November. This is to take advantage of the Xmas buying splurge. Downsides are that everyone else will be doing the same along with a number of heavyweight triple-A titles. These big releases can suck the air out of the market and there's defintely some big titles due November this year, including RDR2 (although that won't be a PC release intially). Other option is to leave it till late January. Thinking here is that people are starting to spend again but more importantly, it's a quiet period where an indie release is more likely to be noticed. You only get one chance at a successful launch, so why rush it at the end? Another couple of months of dev couldn't hurt. Last point is to avoid Steam sales as during these the new releases window pretty much goes AWOL. For example, the game below (Youropa) was released during the last Steam sale. Who knew? (I point this game out as the author also produced the Giles lightmapper utility which has been of immense help to me over the years. Then again, Steam has become such a gushing hosepipe that it probably doesn't matter when TU2 is released. For example, Steam lists 46 new games released just today. Let me repeat, 46 releases in one day (actually two more popped up while I was writing this and the day's not over). Out of interest, roughly breaking those releases down looks like: A third look to be trash. For example: . Looks like the link above is broken because the game (Alien Hunt 3D), was a bitcoin miner and has been taken down! A third are early access and so are not complete (and may never be completed). A fifth are VR only or are free. Long story short, about a fifth of the releases I looked at are games that seem to be technically competent and are sold as complete. However that's still ten titles a day to compete against for attention. BTW: Known issue with this build: Beams between distant pylons are not connecting. Looks messy but doesn't affect gameplay. Is something to fix in the near future.. TU2 update June 2017: a bit of a messy one : Hi all! Another month, another update. Progress this month has mostly been 'behind the scenes' in the sense that it has been about reducing the memory footprint of the game. Part of this was tightening up on a rather horrendous memory leak that was seeing the game crash after changing out a number of levels. There is still a 1 meg or so leak between levels and am looking to track that down. Possibly a texture ref is being lost somewhere, meaning the texture is not cleared between levels and remains in memory. Levels 1 - 22 are available, but this is where the comment that the update is 'messy' comes in. It should be possible to play through these levels consecutively but they're messy in that they haven't been playtested. In fact, apart from the first four, they're more like building sites under construction. This is particularly true of the cutscenes which often include text but are missing images etc. But they're included as part of the early access process and to allow people to sample. If you'd like to see the inside of George's house, give lvl 6 a whirl. If you'd like a preview of George's street and his backyard, fire up level 16. These are bare-bones but are a nice change from the virtual world's graphics. As always, thanks to all those who've supported the game and very keen to hear your feedback.. New update available : Hi all. New TU2 update for November. Expanded graphics settings (high/medium/low buttons removed) Customisable keys (includes number-pad for lefties) Settings saved and restored on game start, including mouse invert in tank/on-foot. (Settings saved to AppDataDir +"DialogueDesign" under W10. Should work for Vista users on-wards too although location may change.) General menu fixes. Menu and in-game HUD tweaked for 4:3 aspect displays. Thanks again to those who've supported the game. Your feedback and enjoyment of TU2 is paramount to me. To this end I can say it looks like TU2 dev will go full-time come February. Very exciting - stay tuned for further news.. May and another TU2 update. : May and it's time for a TU2 update! Main feature of this month's patch is the inclusion of the upgrades screen. Upgrades give you a reason to go after that distant turret as upgrades (in time honored tradition) require upgrade points to purchase and blowing up fixed turrets is one way of procuring said points. Having said that, this is a first pass at upgrades and balancing the cost of upgrades versus the availability of upgrade points is something that will need to be heavily tweaked. Additionally not all upgrades are working - namely Titan Summoning and Nukes. Note that as this is a beta test, upgrade points are infinite in this build to allow for testing. Fixed: out of memory error that was popping up after level 4 was finished. This was related to resizing a particularly large array. Hopefully this will have resolved the issue - let me know if it hasn't. Next up: hooking up all the levels together for extended play. The levels will be barebones with placeholder graphics for cutscenes but I feel it will mean the game has turned a something of a corner development wise. It will extend the TU2 experience and allow for overall balancing. Beyond that: extra units - more late level foes and bosses. Return of the behemoths and titans. Rocket command! []. Update February 2018: level 15 playtesting : Cripes - it's February already. Now that dev is fulltime, things are moving along. A big chunk of this last month has been spent filling in content for levels, particularly 15, 16 and 17. However additional time has gone into some essential bug fixes. LEVEL 15 PLAYTESTING REQUEST ################### Note that this level is pretty much a re-run of the transport evacuation level in the original Tank Universal - which was something of a crowd favourite. However, be warned, this level is intense. Before the combat starts, recommend visiting the upgrade screen. Upgrade points have been provided and I would suggest upgrading your armour level, shield regen rate, gun reload rate and turbo time. I would also recommend upgrading your drop turrets and rockets. This is all to mimic the upgrades you might have earned by level 15 when playing each level sequentially in the full game. After exiting the upgrade screen, pick up as many armour shards as needed(look for the cracked rocks). The enemy will come from the north in waves and try to bombard the transports as they're waiting for lifter pickup on a plateau. They will also call in spotters and bombers. It's imperative to clear the spotters as they will call in powerful airstrikes from the circling bombers. One possible counter-strategy is to place dropturrets as you can afford them, in a defensive line along the northern edge of the plateau, but be wary of placing these just before air raids. They tend to get destroyed by dropped bombs easily. Another option is to jump into a heavy tank, max shields and armor and tough it out. Whatever your strategy, you'll need to pick up whatever shards you can, but may want to resist going too far north lest you find yourself swamped by the enemy and unable to get away.

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