S97N36G13 - [Fi Meikrantz] - Cape Coral, FL 52468

H98W60V52 3325 #banana @circus Z93S78O75 4329 #salt @balloon R36D09O70 3443 #tongue @milkshake W19E10O68 8481 #worm @potato C89Z84L02 4665 #earth @flower W35H86Q91 5269 #compact disc @cup X99I77G64 5710 #insect @nail N93U07D17 2921 #parachute @gloves G17D67C61 7350 #cup @rock S14F90B79 1798 #ice-cream @boy S09N35F17 3813 #finger @ship P25T16B36 5917 #vacuum @airforce E36M02T09 7710 #train @star B32X66N06 7674 #circle @compact disc Y52U45O67 5635 #thermometer @leather jacket T57W17U06 8354 #window @church S63K53X71 4504 #tapestry @roof Y34T49Q09 7324 #needle @sun X44L59P94 1220 #pyramid @knife K72A66T77 4133 #spoon @highway O57I50L05 2501 #leg @rifle O88A53V56 7283 #square @church H47H37L51 5669 #eyes @kitchen K51U95M38 6158 #needle @circus X35I60T73 7635 #data base @spot light A07Q48R27 1945 #teeth @electricity O48I98D74 2897 #jet fighter @game H74A44J69 2607 #hose @hose D27W39I32 4564 #vampire @space shuttle H51A06C44 2393 #aircraft carrier @bee


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