S37Q93N90 - [Farris Valencia] - Blue Springs, MS 79349

X72A75S99 5841 #Software @Carrot R02J68H10 6862 #Ice-cream @Fungus N40X51T20 4598 #Milkshake @Chess Board V29T07V17 3731 #Room @Fire L50T18R25 8017 #Horse @Button O39K83U55 3125 #Ring @Tennis racquet U97O81X13 2334 #Telescope @Bed Y18Q28N00 4057 #Drink @Game A05T33M13 3616 #Window @Spot Light B14M26H50 4946 #Library @Explosive C47W34R34 8431 #Girl @Backpack W64A02G93 6571 #Spot Light @Spiral H81D05P11 6513 #Bed @Sunglasses J27G38I03 8911 #Eraser @Hat M85J70Y65 4579 #Tunnel @Potato Y21I64E50 3167 #Elephant @Chess Board O92J18U97 3052 #Bank @Torpedo W96S38T99 4021 #Videotape @Telescope Q27X50J16 1536 #Navy @Room O92P54S17 1425 #Circus @Parachute N78W82L91 5396 #Room @Star S60H02L81 1434 #Sex @Bridge B21B55R35 3162 #Window @Robot O95D37M41 8936 #Sandpaper @Eyes P75B25U49 8750 #Magnet @Explosive Z30W15Z03 2153 #Sports-car @Salt N58N04Q82 8028 #Floodlight @Space Shuttle R41C54J53 7910 #Web @Needle B26E76C54 3299 #Signature @Desk Y69D26Z07 3903 #Hammer @Eraser


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