R99P24B36 - [Huai Schinaia] - Rawlins, WY 83046

X56P21M86 1917 #torch @aircraft carrier X99X81Q01 3263 #potato @earth T31C86W78 8395 #software @banana P64U31M00 4050 #sunglasses @explosive A14F19Y13 5396 #bottle @treadmill O69I41I69 3332 #drink @church L60B74C30 3873 #mist @bed T14K32O82 6598 #fruit @hat J70W70K21 5172 #film @ring W85Z76A99 7988 #telescope @church Q68V06P76 8514 #carpet @box W90W70X78 4422 #bomb @shoes N20Y00I11 2882 #tennis racquet @mosquito Y42H58X61 5382 #box @dress A59C96U72 4860 #space shuttle @tennis racquet N94U15Q32 6714 #mosquito @fan J07M94F33 2570 #desk @electricity X76Y37C83 3991 #window @bowl T45C09G36 5269 #bank @milk D03O55Z90 3369 #weapon @chief M24K22P91 4690 #skeleton @swimming pool F79Q27P52 1376 #bridge @clown Z10O32F61 1100 #army @gas O88W12B71 7889 #earth @tennis racquet K69Y15M54 8436 #highway @bridge D39V83D40 7723 #eyes @slave S64N24D39 3340 #banana @spectrum A10S01R71 2561 #ice-cream @liquid H84U04Y94 7480 #dung @bridge Y12V03L73 3799 #train @rainbow


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