R40I11V61 - [Jinny Guess] - Essex Junction, VT 76084

A30N79J11 8213 #torpedo @space shuttle S28A33Y57 8540 #book @baby S07U07O24 5205 #satellite @drill S57Z68B17 8548 #sunglasses @dung F37H48U61 2442 #bank @alphabet P34B31G56 6777 #sword @stomach C54F07T22 8264 #leg @pyramid D22D60T08 5060 #coffee-shop @aircraft carrier H49M60R79 8043 #electricity @car-race Z14M99C83 3595 #milk @bowl B52J44S42 6843 #liquid @worm L86X92B10 6586 #milkshake @alphabet J71L23O42 8126 #butterfly @apple S85Z36G85 1631 #book @pepper Y58G06Q77 1481 #computer @liquid U28E97X62 1930 #dress @navy U53S46N57 2573 #printer @stomach X71X56D90 5812 #apple @jet fighter G40P50I36 1249 #drink @bomb T13G40I84 6113 #drink @wheelchair A11E67W90 8941 #onion @spectrum R32O98Z86 1177 #girl @grapes C35U40X30 3567 #meteor @slave T88W20Z61 2089 #circus @tennis racquet K00G24E27 7854 #magnet @satellite B91Q53V27 1463 #microscope @ice-cream X90R77I86 3642 #bed @software K21J56U21 3087 #alphabet @swimming pool C39V37U20 5988 #backpack @wheelchair I73L20E08 1821 #chess board @coffee


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