R36N56B20 - [Valina Mardones] - South Padre Island, TX 74911

T87I01S01 5677 #car-race @swimming pool Z19A99H85 6243 #freeway @tapestry S93U69S46 5026 #balloon @parachute C15E88X78 2862 #air @money $$$$ S05R66U27 4551 #earth @paintbrush F02Z72U17 7992 #spoon @tapestry Z50C97B87 4770 #computer @banana N59R50X16 3578 #mist @ring R94F81F22 5965 #freeway @microscope F53P45O86 8441 #bowl @star C10M48N73 6984 #horoscope @telescope L35E89S55 1126 #vacuum @spot light Y37G54C02 7832 #space shuttle @data base S70W25F40 4741 #sandwich @space shuttle W72A91H69 8802 #cappuccino @circle O14C06L17 8095 #torch @triangle V52R74C78 3329 #car @vulture B70B27O03 2606 #star @vacuum B76P24O50 6621 #pants @rock K73L40N73 7884 #cycle @navy I53V09E75 6589 #sun @hose P57H65A95 4700 #mist @kitchen T76R51S44 4941 #slave @chess board O40F39C08 1001 #pyramid @aeroplane B16U10K54 5668 #needle @saddle J55A61O01 1057 #solid @family K12O28R17 7619 #spoon @bomb Q61J47C06 2454 #balloon @arm R39Q21N90 1396 #backpack @money $$$$ D39W46N84 5430 #sandwich @diamond


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