R28C98Y82 - [Brewer Duke] - Jerome, AZ 53646

E01F08N84 1355 #elephant @butterfly W46K02P22 2088 #pebble @bottle K28X53J45 4164 #jet fighter @shower R90A43F30 3624 #foot @sandwich N14F70N14 8861 #butterfly @arm X81W49P62 8320 #brain @map I88X63F06 4833 #torpedo @prison Z81C62U53 1424 #chess board @telescope G82H88W16 8511 #saddle @stomach A71Y98N24 5416 #pocket @tapestry E41W62Q16 3456 #space shuttle @umbrella L26X73T12 6247 #rifle @table I33X68G85 4735 #bathtub @data base V32T65O91 8999 #coffee-shop @data base C24C51M59 7133 #gas @foot R53J03J37 6211 #festival @gemstone X22E99W79 1588 #kitchen @roof Z14V21Z05 1663 #chess board @rope F85L93B76 8732 #album @barbecue Y31L06B62 8161 #coffee @triangle W87E71E92 4550 #foot @ice E98C72W06 6749 #cave @garden T81V86J08 4316 #bee @compass W72B60I41 6170 #roof @typewriter M57B22N59 7835 #gas @sun N63H74N05 4213 #bed @coffee E09T56L29 6907 #alphabet @freeway F08U06E36 7980 #ears @signature Y81U82F86 7244 #backpack @rope Y51A03B32 3632 #videotape @parachute


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