Q52P35R89 - [Yearwood Nebebe] - Fort Morgan, CO 67713

I74Q83F75 5875 #explosive @videotape I71K77J78 5064 #comet @tongue Z77O97J14 6476 #film @torpedo O79J30L46 7723 #printer @chair O80M85Y80 4922 #brain @finger Q01X72A99 3650 #money $$$$ @god H91J18M28 7761 #potato @hieroglyph I71T49D36 6221 #kitchen @bowl R07O39U40 7647 #prison @parachute R85R77C65 4517 #microscope @computer G26J77E23 1834 #tennis racquet @tennis racquet H37T05D91 6477 #chocolates @brain F15E39U51 1140 #space shuttle @sandwich I64E92Y96 2231 #fan @x-ray H24F92O28 5273 #space shuttle @videotape E23D04H60 3802 #record @bee Z97B50A89 6402 #chief @spoon V56K74V24 3080 #circle @milk O05F94S03 7446 #junk @ring K68H45R07 3264 #arm @hose B73L91K67 6341 #girl @hammer G96H00H78 7763 #plane @freeway Z61S82F04 3694 #pants @festival P65M01J84 4313 #tongue @compact disc T25O31W68 5885 #toilet @explosive T81Z69H77 7174 #data base @software I97B96C70 4878 #plane @clown A87Z23P88 4528 #pendulum @sex U62N50K05 1150 #thermometer @explosive M33M80W08 4465 #brain @guitar


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