Q00G15W54 - [Gerda Plancon] - Hedrick, IA 66643

F99M17V71 7665 #arm @perfume F03W81U54 3213 #spoon @coffee C54U87J56 2711 #diamond @sun P06I01W58 5051 #aircraft carrier @compact disc H01M45K56 4376 #torpedo @teeth K55E28R71 6320 #bridge @gloves W98L48U50 7424 #feather @hammer C28G91F74 6537 #tunnel @rifle V31N39E74 7186 #carrot @junk Q95U96T44 5427 #torch @coffee B03A41Y17 8654 #space shuttle @mist A80V79O13 8313 #table @horoscope T92A91P38 1830 #shoes @album S45T00U49 6160 #sandwich @spoon I81I95M61 4670 #satellite @car O79X82E99 4886 #onion @bank W18L53S49 4439 #balloon @ice P26K31G71 1782 #fan @knife R12F06F79 1307 #chair @kitchen X97E63X14 3618 #onion @leather jacket C71Z72P77 1548 #box @wheelchair K20K82Q84 4560 #circus @pyramid Z55C67D78 3844 #roof @milkshake W35L40F19 4715 #potato @videotape A58B45O51 1023 #planet @leather jacket I63L34C74 6625 #dung @balloon C66A60S56 5390 #chess board @crystal P07C54V83 5903 #space shuttle @leather jacket M14O69K29 3395 #shower @knife A69L46Z16 7795 #grapes @shower


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