Pros and cons of using steroids, or is it worth starting a pharmacy? !! !!

Turning their gaze to the heights of Olympus, most of the human units inhabiting the bowels of the Kachkov basements and the palaces of ultramodern sports centers, watch with envy the daily existence and the blinding splendor of the celestials. Dripping saliva and snot, the young from their tiny world of everyday life peers into the distance, where their idols and idols with an epic scale, on a large scale and magnificently burn the time allotted to them and the remnants of mighty health. Overcoming everyday life and everyday comfort, ordinary adherents of doping-free methods and champions of sports piety are step by step approaching athletic heights - the abode of demigods and heroes, unaware that these very heights and Olympic peaks are nothing more than a bottomless abyss, a twilight zone filled with inhabitants of the dark depths, not blue-eyed angels. In this article,

The main task of this article is to make a novice athlete think about his kachkovy future / possible sports career, teach novice bodybuilders to analyze their desires, ambitions, needs and relate all this to real life, while making the right decisions with the further planning of their bodybuilding life.

Staying in the role of a neophyte is a hectic and difficult business and at the same time intriguing and fateful. The first years of training are the time of romantic searches for the cherished universal truths of BB and the period of silly copying of various systems / techniques. During this period, the foundation is laid, both mental and bodily, on which the New Man will be "built", striving for self-development either in a creative way or by means of self-destruction. Sooner or later, every beginner faces a difficult choice between two worlds, or rather, between two abysses - the darkness of natural bodybuilding and the darkness of pharmaceutical fraud. Both paths can ultimately lead either to eternal torment or to salvation.

Many times on forums and in special literature, I have met this opposition "chemist - natural", such a simplified bipolar perception of this problem has always baffled me and caused an avalanche of indignation. I did not understand why the sports community was split into two warring camps, despite the fact that each participant in this confrontation from time to time leaves his native nest and moves to the enemy camp. After all, every chemist was once straight, and some part of straight people are former chemists who, for one reason or another, abandoned the farm. Most of the supporters of steroid-free sports day and night think about how to increase the level of androgens in the body in a natural way, and the vast majority of pharma-absorbers spend a significant part of their lives in intercourse, i.e.

Getting into the sweaty atmosphere of the gym, a young athlete who is a Tabula rasa (clean board), like a sponge, begins to absorb the tart spirit of athleticism along with a whole bunch of different terms, concepts, jargon, corporate rules, moral attitudes and information clichés. Plunging into Kachkov's folklore and bodybuilding "mythology", he learns not only about the existence of various training methods and carbohydrate-protein windows, but also about the diversity of the pharmaceutical arsenal. Informational and bodybuilding socialization leads him, as a rule, to one of the military camps - either to the fortress of chemists or to the trenches of straight people. And then the most interesting thing begins - military operations with indispensable forays into enemy territory and periodically occurring large-scale military operations. In the process of this, a mochilov-minded jock can forever get bogged down in his military predilections, or he can become a defector, disillusioned with his ideas about the ideal world order. More often than not, Kachkov's thinking and mode of existence is locked in this vicious dual system of stereotypes and prejudices. It is incredibly difficult for a person to comprehend the truth lying on the surface. The use of chemistry and natural bodybuilding are phenomena that are neutral in their moral and ethical content. Neither natural nor anabolic sports can be tied to good or evil. We are already accustomed to the fact that pharmaceutical consumption is called the "dark side", and sports free from chemistry is called the "light side". The path to death is associated with chemistry, and the no-doping variety of sports addiction awakens in the minds images of goodness and endless positiveness.

In practice, this "holy war" turns out to be stupid and meaningless, since both natural and pharmacological vectors have their advantages and disadvantages, which ultimately balances and reconciles them. Chemistry helps us to withstand inhuman stress during training, insures us against many injuries and overtraining, gives us more strength and energy, motivates us to new records and achievements, sets us up for a good start with a minimum level of body fat, etc. etc. The downside of drug metamorphosis can be considered a whole bunch of potential side effects, a distorted idea of ​​training and recovery (inability / inability to train and progress without a syringe), protracted post-course depression, an epidemic of steroidal dementia among under-pumped (I will quote the famous movie " and not the superhuman of the ordinary homosapiens) and insulin mortality. Natural bodybuilding is also replete with pros and cons. Many training systems of different profiles have been developed for straight people, which allow you to unleash the full potential of the body. Adepts of syringe-free techniques can progress slowly without psychologically exhausting pharmaceutical courses and recovery phases. A wide range of different dietary supplements and "natural" stimulants allow naturals to achieve good results, experimenting with nutrition and recovery. Non-chemists do not need to plan their budget for regularly held courses and spend a lot of money on concomitant drugs such as AI. Straight people have no risk of getting an abscess or premature bald spot along with a bitch udder. They don't have to worry about criminal liability and kidok dealers. Their life is measured and serene. But sports without steroids has a lot of negative nuances. A professional sports career is not possible without doping, all major victories in various sports disciplines are achieved under the influence of "anesthesia". Whoever tells me what, I am convinced that straight people are more susceptible to various injuries than chemical athletes. And recovery after various training force majeure goes much faster with the use of "prohibited" drugs. Straight people are more difficult to tolerate overtraining and stagnation in progress, which often leads to a complete lack of enthusiasm in training, and in some cases to refusal to visit the gym. "Clean" athletes easily progress in strength, speed and endurance, but there are almost always difficulties in gaining mass, which can be explained by a whole complex of reasons. Sometimes there are purely psychological problems associated with a feeling of inferiority and inferiority, which appears and intensifies against the background of fellow chemists. In short, both chemists and naturals are in approximately the same conditions and every novice athlete must make his own choice.

This article is written for those who are at a crossroads and do not know whether to do the first steroid course in the near future. I cannot take responsibility for your self-determination, but I can say that it is best to stay untouched by the steroid yoke for as long as possible and try your best to improve yourself in a natural way. However, “we are all human, we are all human” ... and the base striving for bodily beauty and physical strength pulls us into the abyss of steroid passions, burning bridges and destroying the last illusions. Next, we will consider the practical aspect of future pharmacological self-realization and, being above the general anti-doping rush, we will try to objectively determine our place in the hierarchy of our imaginary desires and real needs.

Reasons / situations / circumstances pushing a natural person into the arms of a medicated snake:

1. The use of special drugs in professional sports in order to improve speed-strength indicators, stimulate the central nervous system, optimize recovery processes, gain a large amount of muscle mass in the shortest possible time. This point can be described as the most reasonable and ideologically correct, since taking steroids and stimulants, as a rule, is carried out under the supervision of a trainer and specialists who correctly select medications, correctly determine the duration and cyclicality of use, and also monitor the compatibility and balance of drugs, thereby achieving maximum results with minimal side effects.

2. Application of AAS in amateur sports. This is an extremely destructive way of self-improvement, at the same time the most widespread / popular, which, however, causes not only the emission of serious complications when using AAS, but also breeds professional athletes of the highest level.

3. Thoughtlessly pouring the contents of ampoules into schoolgirls' assholes under a deafening methane crunch. This point follows from the second and is, as it were, a sub-point, but I could not help but single out this socio-cultural phenomenon in a separate column. High school students, vocational school students and so on. young animals easily fall ill with this ailment. The nature of this phenomenon is poorly understood, but it can be assumed that the desire to pump up in a short time, together with the use of the forbidden potion, is due to swollen teenage ambition and suicidal tendencies.

4. Rehabilitation after various injuries / operations with "OTC" anabolic steroids. It is no secret that many athletes during the period of hard pre-start training often break down, torn, stretch and twist something for themselves. Steroids and other special drugs help to quickly recover from these ailments and "get back on your feet", ie. medicines play the role of a kind of pharmacological crutch, relying on which it is possible to improve and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues and wounded pride.

5. Recovery of the body's strength after a long "vacation" or stress. Some athletes, who by the will of fate have been weaned from training for a long time and have lost their former shape, resort to farm support in order to quickly join the slender bodybuilding ranks and regain their lost strength.

6. Treatment with AAS under medical supervision with total diagnostics of all body systems. The killers in white coats, despite their disdain for AAS, in some situations prescribe these drugs to their patients. The reason for this may be severe postoperative conditions and various diseases.

7. Hormone replacement therapy. Many men (not only athletes, but ordinary people), having reached the age when the hormonal background leaves much to be desired, begin to support the body with regular injections of androgens and episodic therapy with growth hormone together with insulin.

You must decide on what situation your body and mind are in at the present time, that is, the level of your personal readiness to use pharmaceuticals. Now we will consider in detail each of the above points and take a detailed look at the list of actions in each specific situation, in other words, I will present you with a step-by-step algorithm for inferences and life manipulations in various circumstances. You can read the entire following text as a manual for your frail body.

Point one.

Take a look around. If you see an experienced coach nearby, who can always give good advice and help in any matter. If you have more workouts in your weekly schedule than at school. If you regularly visit a sports dispensary and are under medical supervision. If all your friends are athletes, and your main goal in life is a sports career. Then you can safely embark on the path of a chemist and poison yourself to your heart's content.

Second point.

Most of the people who are keen on sports are engaged in this business at an amateur level, i.e. do not have serious sports ambitions. And you, too, are most likely one of them. If training in the gym is just a hobby for you, then the question of the first pharmacological experiment is solved as follows. Before deciding on the first steroid course, you must make sure that you have one hundred percent readiness for this: you need to study all available literature on this topic and study all BB-forums; You must know the description of all drugs (features of their work and possible side effects); You should know exactly what tests need to be done before the course and after drug withdrawal (and how to interpret the test results); You have to memorize everything what is associated with post-cycle therapy and recovery; you must have enough funds to buy the necessary medicines and fully support yourself on the course; You must be sure that you were able to squeeze out every last drop from your body (you should have several years of active work with iron behind your shoulders); Well, and most importantly, when you go to any builder's Internet resource, you should not have a desire to ask a question to “knowledgeable” people about the organization of your future course and other garbage.

Third point.

If you have not yet turned eighteen, and classes in the gym prevent you from doing physics lessons, then the use of chemistry is contraindicated for you. The spontaneous desire to stick something sharp into yourself and swallow something vigorous can be easily overcome by pouring cold water on a clear winter morning, or by daily contemplation of your father's leather belt, which is mainly intended not to support your pants, but for your whipping. In short, do not engage in nonsense, risking your health, but follow the precepts of our grandfathers - "study, study and study again."

On  points  with  fourth  on  the seventh we will not dwell in detail, because these cases concern experienced athletes who are well acquainted with chemistry and who do not need my instructions, or, as in point number six, nothing depends on the person exposed to AAS and there is only one thing to advise such “lucky ones” - to relax and swim with the flow.

At the end of the article, I want to thank those who, having read all this, thought about it and decided to postpone their first acquaintance with the farm, and also express my admiration to everyone whom I confused at the end and who finally decided on the early start of the first course. In short, as the antediluvian Selkup wisdom says: Don't know what to do? - Do not do anything!

Views: 12

Comment by Mila Eryomina on August 2, 2021 at 4:03pm

The drug malay tiger enanthal 250 is really a very powerful and effective drug that has an amazing effect, the use of such a drug will cause amazing results, the body will be significantly embellished and healthier, you will look much larger and more massive.


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