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Given the current pandemic and COVID-19, houses have been deemed an essential service and are actually still selling. However, it has become more critical than ever to ensure that your home is in the perfect shape to show to prospective buyers. You don’t have to put thousands of dollars into the home either. We are finding even at this time of year that we are experiencing a lot of Brookfield Military Relocation transfers. While many have been canceled, there are some that had already received their prior posting messages and are selling or buying.

One of the easiest things you can do to get your home showing ready is to get rid of all of the excess clutter. Whether it is by donation, packing, or preparing for an eventual garage sale once the Coronavirus dust has settled, it is great to clean out! Reducing the clutter helps prospective buyers see the actual space and not your stuff.

The next step would be a good deep clean. Whether you do it yourself or hire a professional, a good clean goes a long way! I cannot tell you what a turnoff it is for buyers to view a dirty home. To them, dirt means a lack of care or pride of ownership, which indicates to the buyer that perhaps you have not taken proper care of the home. Once cleaned, the home is ready for potential buyers from Brookfield Relocation.

There are other repair items you should address too. You don’t want buyers touring and seeing “projects”. So adjusting cabinet handles or hinges, patching up dents in the wall, caulking baseboards, removing mildew in the shower, etc. all will go a very long way!

You may also ready your home for sale with attractive decor. Even a throw pillow that adds a trendy “pop” of color can go a long way! Mirrors opposite a window is a great way to add natural light to home too! Never underestimate the importance of lighting! You may even want to add some new flowers or some living plants so it feels like a home. Put out white linens in the bathroom, if possible light some candles to make a soothing atmosphere. Think “hotel”. Bonus points if you set the table!

Ultimately, look at your house as visitors look at it, from outside because this is where prospective buyers form their first impression. Do any landscaping required, repair any cracks in the sidewalk, paint it if necessary, and never underestimate the power of a power wash! It needs to look better than any other house in your area for sale.
Winnipeg remains a strong market, even in light of the ongoing pandemic. Yes, there are fewer buyers looking, however, home values have thus far been maintaining their prices.

Yet what matters, as with everything you do, is what people are willing to pay for it. Keep in mind that pricing is a key component of selling in any market. Pricing ahead of the curve is truly paramount. So please follow the advice of your Realtor. They know the market.
You can sell your House for Sale Winnipeg faster by taking these basic steps and doing small steps to spruce it up. In Winnipeg, we recommend the Jennifer Queen Team as they have the tools, the knowledge, and the expertise to get homes sold even in the toughest of markets!

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