P86G28N46 - [Drona Shaddick] - Telluride, CO 75650

J60P74Y22 1337 #jet fighter @kaleidoscope N42B07S71 3677 #chair @drill X89O13G40 7135 #baby @star G51D11T05 1877 #tapestry @coffee-shop P37L98Q01 8746 #compact disc @signature J45K35P62 1492 #radar @cave Z02J97R51 3770 #garden @toilet X95K99S33 3248 #gloves @floodlight T38Q70R18 3935 #tennis racquet @radar K69C65H73 4972 #garden @x-ray W55Z93V78 2328 #chisel @weapon X85W10A72 6438 #family @box J97J49E01 4644 #eyes @mosquito T16O24U04 6454 #solid @button W37A75B49 3076 #gate @sphere P79E82Y39 6425 #bed @chair L54M89P90 6000 #meteor @worm T77E70E81 8124 #thermometer @gemstone O14I48I32 4838 #train @banana C91Y66N69 3354 #signature @robot F63P21T35 5882 #sun @finger Z56X37R89 6454 #library @swimming pool E99Y43I67 1429 #knife @aircraft carrier H43N68R01 1214 #baby @swimming pool X15W95J13 4219 #bible @fork Q75H75N63 7766 #chief @maze O15A95O75 2667 #bible @ears N81O71U82 6393 #cave @mist X52B05G69 2045 #brain @brain F76J65A08 5079 #coffee-shop @bed


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