O86R95K02 - [Seyler Wake] - Dayton, IA 50789

G67I39A55 7988 #airport @leather jacket V03K81R38 6682 #junk @electricity V40F87H44 7200 #family @plane K23C06M99 5266 #record @crystal X91H34K59 3329 #apple @torpedo B84O81K54 8958 #water @ice-cream C59U79V22 5586 #record @rocket L79S71T80 1922 #button @tiger D73I50Z43 3986 #aircraft carrier @flower E04X81K93 1227 #bee @shop D12J40F26 7475 #perfume @jet fighter Y45L57I57 3418 #restaurant @television N54O38X78 1691 #plane @wheelchair L09Z89M87 5144 #prison @sunglasses B10P26Z88 3721 #potato @airport I98F16R41 5801 #bottle @leg E22V58N07 8447 #compact disc @grapes V73K40A31 1510 #mosquito @maze V38K13L43 3596 #leather jacket @sports-car B69N49R72 4095 #hat @prison V91J38E48 8286 #signature @woman D30T53E77 2606 #vampire @boss J88U12K33 3235 #salt @square N21G67O09 6911 #software @swimming pool W65F19X37 2679 #game @staircase R33A01I87 3425 #comet @car-race X92L93K08 7018 #flower @paintbrush V18S81I63 8287 #chair @chair S35Y30V93 7473 #baby @car-race K29E29D30 3010 #liquid @festival


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