O28V53P93 - [Samau Marubini] - Granville, PA 64458

A73Q42W89 2644 #clock @compact disc X19V48H28 6510 #jet fighter @airport C94O50S65 5859 #brain @spot light R39D33L39 1556 #surveyor @finger K60D20L29 1391 #hat @spectrum G34Y78Y96 4415 #film @child H80S74I36 7035 #tennis racquet @eraser E75G54M41 2495 #electricity @barbecue P70I43Z55 4713 #spice @money $$$$ Q32W62M33 2769 #vampire @gas F15B09A59 8139 #milk @chocolates G12P32M87 4659 #electricity @air W95Y66G55 1119 #school @festival A10A03A79 4781 #circus @book O61M94O78 1915 #pepper @vampire I12G62G39 2389 #tiger @milk N25I92A25 1799 #fire @meteor D25I25S49 8670 #sports-car @meat O68B92W91 2348 #jet fighter @star D69J82S03 2030 #slave @school K36U39U98 5169 #horse @pendulum X34N10R32 3537 #banana @girl N29X67Y40 2210 #shower @army C32Y73P12 7631 #arm @barbecue L65B82K82 3175 #chess board @freeway K43K40C07 1151 #mist @maze Q42G11T11 5444 #aircraft carrier @drum V95M60U88 5606 #data base @water B68D14J46 8156 #sex @treadmill W61P02H88 3306 #aeroplane @bed


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