Though that find that that might be too high a dose so they'd have to kind of start at a lower dose and kind of work their way's very much um dependent upon how your receptors work and we don't have a great uh idea of how the individual receptors respond to you know an ongoing use of the cannabis we're only looking at what's happened from experience from what people tell us um so we've primarily been speaking about medical cannabis for Buy Terpenes arthritis in the context of pain control is there any evidence that you're aware of around medical cannabis influencing the underlying inflammation that we might see in disease there's been a lot of work done in that most of it has been done in animal sort of models um uh I think that you're familiar with dr McDougall who has worked out of um out of uh Halifax he's done some fantastic work in terms of looking at inflammation um we know that this uh is prevalent um or sorry is uh very valid in the animal models we're now starting to see some of it being transitioned to human models um we're again we're very early on in terms of studies.

Looking at both osteoarthritis rheumatologic arthritis there's some very there's very few studies looking at fibromyalgia in those there were there was some benefit for patients so there may have been you know benefit in terms of the inflammation so i i think that it it's one of those hey you know we're just at the starting of this sort of journey stay tuned we'll have some more information in a few months few years and would you should you expect cbd to True Terpenes work for some people and not for other people absolutely absolutely in my own experience with patients you know i've used a good physiologic dose i'm looking to see some benefit and then we get nothing and so i have to say okay you know this isn't working maybe we need to use a little bit of thc with the cbd maybe this is not the compound for you maybe we need to look at something else i i think though you need to give it a good trial if you just use it for two or three doses and it doesn't do anything that's not enough we often talk about a week to two weeks of a do at one dose and then you would increase try to try try to titrate to the most effective dose for that patient so that actually ties in nicely to another question that just came in about how do you how do you know when you've reached that correct.

The dose I think what you'll probably find is that there will be a benefit you as the patient will notice hey I don't have as much pain I don't have as much of the swelling I can get out of bed a lot easier I maybe I sleep better because I'm having less pain at night I find Terpenes for sale that some of my cancer patients will come in and say hey you know what that last dose change that we did it made a difference I didn't need as much of that other painkiller you know if you find that you're getting side effects from other medications and you want to drop them that's a good sign that means that the whatever cannabis product you're using is working and you're getting some sparing of those other medications.

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