M78J54Z94 - [Cohbert Lettvin] - Little Rock Air Force Base, AR 70454

H96O14E12 5050 #solid @rock E46E90A50 4181 #rock @fungus M50H19K36 7292 #hieroglyph @earth T50R51E48 3331 #coffee @fork S38U98K20 3255 #kaleidoscope @robot R23K65K82 8443 #festival @slave I84H71S03 1277 #clown @shop B75F90Q49 5234 #monster @finger F44W09M81 4997 #torpedo @television W04V48T42 6168 #circus @diamond J01X84N75 3889 #chief @eraser C50B14R85 1050 #eyes @man I24Q76R82 4861 #hieroglyph @navy M84N22C61 1367 #kaleidoscope @radar I08Y25W75 5165 #map @rocket R72Z14W89 1440 #fruit @sandwich X13I48J47 6951 #rock @slave E11W57A56 1114 #necklace @cappuccino E55B28N82 7871 #sunglasses @umbrella M79R57I30 1302 #skeleton @bowl L14J17W18 7408 #roof @compact disc L10T09H32 3367 #woman @cappuccino X14T23J00 2552 #fork @meteor Q00Z53M57 8559 #fire @passport S93S48K09 7491 #sun @ice-cream Z98T91B18 7963 #money $$$$ @horse X34W45M58 5674 #swimming pool @dress J41T81X93 5737 #crystal @room W19K54K57 7199 #brain @library P39V59T23 8629 #bed @mouth


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