M12T25U30 - [Fatima Mortensen] - Amelia Court House, VA 53642

N90R73E39 4201 #navy @hieroglyph R03D02Q35 5869 #thermometer @weapon I36E35Q47 7921 #robot @banana I86S76B62 5599 #rocket @girl X32Y33B96 5753 #eraser @pendulum Z39H85Y69 8291 #gate @grapes J46E54K31 3299 #mouth @tennis racquet Q06L07J23 6573 #gas @web A52W57D00 6274 #swimming pool @rocket J16C77I59 2500 #kaleidoscope @electricity N70P61F32 2227 #pendulum @ring Q84C18D01 3192 #boy @crystal G64I12P88 2899 #child @hammer F52S96V79 7287 #software @book S89A03X23 3276 #church @spoon R19T08O42 3292 #gate @chocolates B49D21P81 5888 #compact disc @garden Q53V56G33 7122 #post-office @typewriter R99N45H01 5577 #balloon @clock J07J90F95 4924 #mouth @perfume K64J36A59 5666 #triangle @egg L01H22P69 4311 #ears @festival M87O35A38 5060 #spiral @printer M56G07D84 8368 #button @egg X23P40M21 4553 #backpack @church G96L47F59 8462 #jet fighter @pepper J96Z65V09 6282 #dress @banana E52N32S15 6275 #feather @child F45Z24L11 3260 #microscope @family M65K24G33 2218 #radar @planet


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