
Blog Posts

The Healing Power of A Course in Miracles

Posted by stephen005 on June 30, 2024 at 3:40am 0 Comments

It's important to recognize that A Program in Wonders hasn't been without its critics and controversies. Some have questioned the credibility of their authorship, as Helen Schucman stated to possess obtained the text through an activity of inner dictation from the religious resource she discovered as Jesus. Skeptics fight that the text might be considered a product of her own mind rather than divine revelation. Moreover, the Course's thick and abstract language could be a buffer for some… Continue

The Healing Power of A Course in Miracles

Posted by stephen005 on June 30, 2024 at 3:39am 0 Comments

It's important to recognize that A Program in Wonders hasn't been without its critics and controversies. Some have questioned the credibility of their authorship, as Helen Schucman stated to possess obtained the text through an activity of inner dictation from the religious resource she discovered as Jesus. Skeptics fight that the text might be considered a product of her own mind rather than divine revelation. Moreover, the Course's thick and abstract language could be a buffer for some… Continue
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