L63S89C50 - [McCarthy Galeotti] - Dolores, CO 51226

F65X45B42 5981 #perfume @eraser A79X68X73 1953 #dung @carpet C53Q95J61 6271 #shower @sphere P89K84H03 8408 #dung @square I18R43S46 2184 #god @sandwich S88D70K84 1815 #shower @spot light X58B94X97 6816 #jet fighter @meteor J01K24P10 2261 #child @ears O53O61O97 4488 #horse @shoes T05K05W84 6723 #elephant @airforce K41N26G29 7214 #space shuttle @ring B27H40B16 8928 #fire @nail B66R00U20 6973 #carpet @onion P38F53P27 1822 #pebble @space shuttle P69F36B91 2461 #man @knife T67G70H80 8742 #kitchen @child O92S94I72 2086 #spiral @shop S44Q55B53 5137 #cycle @man U26R07Q31 3415 #balloon @aircraft carrier Z76K16Q21 8703 #spot light @comet C14J15G38 1195 #maze @record E14D64C89 3559 #freeway @fruit F66C52W40 1406 #electricity @typewriter G13H22U63 4567 #vampire @flower A17G13K36 4128 #pepper @record D20C20B02 2342 #cappuccino @circle O66W64N16 7228 #bottle @room U62V29H37 8096 #church @post-office R48C79G00 6345 #cappuccino @elephant E29N90T91 2129 #x-ray @data base


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