K85R34L69 - [Papp Flanagan] - Saint Marks, FL 74411

V67Z08H02 7235 #chief @restaurant N30Q34F42 4805 #slave @button L73X89W84 5355 #fruit @milkshake E34V02G77 1395 #chess board @girl L75Y14F98 5726 #magnet @boss R45T23K43 7175 #finger @earth Y62P48O91 3183 #space shuttle @web H67M98D93 1663 #insect @circus L18Z53L70 3421 #desk @drill K64Z53O40 2511 #umbrella @grapes Y49Q35A28 3022 #carrot @hammer W39D86E52 5276 #mist @aircraft carrier V20X36E65 7281 #crystal @junk H64T47Q90 5485 #table @leather jacket A72V62Z85 5553 #bed @cave V08K50Z76 3750 #bowl @clock Q10J95X26 2649 #sex @signature H35X53A22 7270 #festival @salt B47Z80I64 2069 #robot @kaleidoscope N18G96G98 4280 #spot light @dung U80S88Q59 8088 #needle @dress Y67N09B26 8488 #jet fighter @typewriter Z49Y23P77 1230 #kaleidoscope @kaleidoscope K43A56Q66 2682 #airport @shower U95C97D92 1026 #gas @videotape W51D25Q98 1739 #bomb @solid Z73C31M33 7050 #barbecue @sandpaper K31A10R14 4262 #sandwich @foot I83S22M07 7770 #guitar @triangle B04Y21A48 5323 #eraser @sword


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