K48D39W30 - [Derron Shoemaker] - Aimwell, LA 79787

M06M05Y76 2074 #Bird @Rope Q12Y33H44 5333 #Star @Egg W23I83X08 1110 #Chief @Rainbow J81R04Y85 5069 #Onion @Bed I98P13N36 3772 #Solid @Fruit I67V28C22 3295 #Saddle @Comet K97P95V24 4836 #Horoscope @Car K50G26D86 3593 #Boss @Roof Y67S02C52 5364 #Pebble @Explosive U93E44S25 7365 #Needle @Sword S83X57D55 8739 #Rocket @Printer D53J14W09 3456 #Compact Disc @Tennis racquet D61G01U50 5637 #Skeleton @Grapes C49W89Q18 5493 #Album @Horse G06W52Y16 7998 #Album @Milk E52Y47U26 5592 #Tennis racquet @Box T85B21V93 4084 #Flower @Pebble O35W20A15 1256 #Air @Jet fighter C31N47K58 4463 #Wheelchair @Triangle R76F20V77 6239 #Feather @Alphabet I39P87Y32 5932 #Sunglasses @Onion V25P47K98 1535 #Adult @Swimming Pool M52I27G66 7047 #Space Shuttle @Horoscope O93E73D95 2892 #Telescope @Fungus M45D66A74 5624 #Bathroom @Pocket N41K79R81 7548 #Shoes @Post-office J05L55W43 6002 #Rock @Worm G90X79Q14 3476 #Mouth @Arm I86Y35L49 8307 #Tiger @Bed P84U56K36 2948 #Fork @Diamond


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