My classmate is the office director.


Very powerful.

Organize a red tour, ask me to be a guide and give money.

It is said to visit once a month.

At first, it was a monthly gathering, but everyone was a winemaker, and when they heard the gathering, they had headaches, including her own headaches. To find a place and give notice, the key is to hide. After all, Now people report as soon as they show up, and there is no shortage of people in this world who are good deeds.

She thought about it, or else, send the activity funds to everyone every month?

She dare not.


There are two good things, one is to envy others, and the other is to show off.

Once spoken out.

Was reported.

This is like giving daily benefits. You give each employee a cake card and a flower card. This is all allowed, but you cannot issue a shopping card. Do you think the leader is unwilling to issue a shopping card?

Also willing.

But I dare not.

Subordinates are lax!

The dinner party is boring, and I don’t dare to send money. After thinking about it, I organize a short trip every month. Everyone eats and drinks together and receives a patriotic education. The key is that everyone can really follow the long-term knowledge.

What can I do to the guide?

Find an old man who can tell a story, and tell them about the fierce battle.

The mountain we are going to climb is called Nanbei Daigu, which is more difficult to climb in Yimeng 72 Guli. For them, it is difficult to climb. For me, it is SO EASY. After all, I am a professional player.

They were a group of five, plus six drivers. The driver took the car and rented it for a long time. He had a long-term cooperation with the unit. He was in his early forties and was a veteran. He used to be a driver in the agency. After the car was reformed, he bought a GL8. For the business travel services of all units, the office settles the expenses. I asked him how much he usually lives?

He said that he was busier than when he was at work, almost every day.

At first, my classmates were looking for a patriotism education base. I recommended two places, one is Taierzhuang and the other is Menglianggu.

She rejected Taierzhuang, feeling that Taierzhuang is now a big scenic spot, even for entertainment, and it's a little farther away, with limited funding, and it's not appropriate. Why is Meng Lianggu inappropriate?

She felt that Meng Lianggu was a civil war, it was the Kuomintang that was fighting, and it was not very suitable for his own people to beat his own people. Look at the place where Meng Lianggu killed Zhang Lingfu, countless people put alcohol and cigarettes, after all, they were also anti-Japanese heroes.

She asked me to help find, anti-Japanese, nearby.

In the end, I chose the North and South Daigu. The battle was very small. It was just half a month of mediating with the Japanese invaders. It was not a big deal, but the key was that some writers wrote it into reportage and published it in the 1943 Dazhong Daily. "" and the "Liberation Daily" in Yan'an, it is said that the work has strong authenticity and is full of profound revolutionary feelings. It aroused widespread repercussions at the time, inspiring the enthusiasm of the soldiers and civilians across the country, and strengthening the revolutionary belief that the struggle must be won.

History is a little girl who can be dressed up.

Then, a writer is a makeup artist.

When I was leaving, my classmate asked me to open an invoice for her. She had dinner at noon, and she served a fixed amount, that is, according to the standard expenditure of 100 yuan per person, she asked me to bring some beer, snacks, and gifts. She gave me 600 yuan. , Jokingly said, it is not enough for you to add.

I went to the mountain in advance and contacted the fried chicken shop. I added seven people. Fortunately, there are more women than men, and the women have a small appetite. They vomit when they eat chicken, so one chicken is enough, just order some vegetables or something. , I went to say hello to the boss early in the morning, half stewed, half fried, and reminded again and again that we must put less salt, or even keep it.

The boss remembered.

The boss asked, when will the food be served?

I said, 12 o'clock, exactly.

After meeting with classmates and them, we first went hiking and chatting. Except the driver, we all knew me. At least I had heard of it. The reason was that my classmates were big speakers.

The big boss didn't come, and said he went to study in Hangzhou.

The second BOSS is a woman with curly hair and a long look like Hua Chunying. She wears leather shoes and always slips. I lent her the crutches...

She is the oldest in the team and has the best physical fitness.

Basically, I am in the same echelon.

I asked, do you often climb mountains?

She said, very rarely.

I said, your physical fitness is okay.

She said, I swim.

I asked, every day?

She said, no special circumstances, almost.

It's a wild road with a lot of thorns. I found a pair of gloves from my backpack and gave her. She smiled and said, "Do you have everything in your bag?"

I said, there is still water, or not?

She said, I have water in my bag.

I said, how can leaders bring their own water, they must be held before drinking.

She said that all leaders are ordinary people.

I said, if I was admitted to the civil service, my father would be able to sing in the village every day.

She said, don't, it's better to do something by yourself.

I said, it feels better to take care of others.

She said, "It's not what you think. Civil servants are now a disadvantaged group. It's like driving a luxury car under social supervision. As soon as you get a little bit of trouble, public opinion will immediately ask, where does your money come from?" what do you do? Why do you drive a good car? When cadres are the same, they are also supervised, and every detail must be paid attention to.

I said, but everyone still wants to be.

She said, "It's really meaningless. We have been working for a long time and we don't know what we can do when we go out. We have no choice but to serve the people or support our own family."

I said, in your system, I have three old friends.

She asked, who?

I said, XX Gui.

She asked, what is your relationship with her?

I said that we were pen pals on the forum and had been in love, but her mother disagreed.

She asked, why does her mother disagree?

I said, one is because I think I am young and still a student. The second is that she has a social identity. I don't. She should have been working at about 20 years old. When we met, she had been working for several years. She is very good at writing. I remember that you have internal journals and she is one of the chief writers.

She said that she had an impression of writing the article, but she was not particularly impressed with this person because she had been transferred for several years.

I asked, where did you go?

She said that the details are not very clear.

I said that the entire forum at that time, among the post-80s generations, I think she was the best. We both knew about poetry. At that time, the style of writing was partial to classical Chinese. If anyone writes in classical Chinese, hey, it will be full of screens. Cheers are also popular for poetry.

She said, around 2000.

I say yes.

She said that when everyone had anything, they went to the forum to report.

I say yes.

She asked, how many people followed the professional writing route?

I said that those in newspapers have basically taken the writing route. This is their profession, and almost everyone in the newspaper publishes books, and almost everyone publishes books at their own expense. Some time ago, I saw an old friend published After reading the book, another friend wrote a preface, in which he praised: There are countless publishers in the media, but it is rare to publish books like XX without paying for it.

She asked, except for the newspapers?

I said, it’s basically a literary hobby, and few have turned into a job. I am an exception. I think the most pity is XX Gui. Because she is really talented, I am ashamed of it. She is older than me. One point, it was a secondary school that she was studying. She took the college entrance examination from the secondary school. At that time, she was not the secondary school because she did poorly, but because she studied well. By the time I was in the high school entrance examination, our class was second in the class. Also took the technical secondary school.

She said, in those days, yes.

I said, I have always felt that XX Gui’s writing is a job bestowed by God. If she develops earnestly, it’s terrible. In the era of blogging, she also opened a blog and has a lot of fans. I occasionally leave a message to her, and she just I deleted my message, and I don’t know how I offended her. She also wrote an article saying that some weeds and the like should be hoeed regularly, that is to say I...

She asked, didn't you go to her?

I said that she got married not long after we were separated. At that time, it seemed that 24 marriages were common.

When chatting with people in the system, you must listen to foreign voices. When I say my name, she is very interested, which means she is very familiar with XX Gui. When I asked her where she was transferred, she couldn't say it clearly, indicating that it was inconvenient. Talk about privacy.

My classmate should be familiar with XX Gui, but I have never talked to her because I don’t want my classmates to know that I gossip too much. The key is that we and XX Gui are the same age, and there is a high probability that there will be an intersection.

At the top, I sent everyone a lollipop.

Except for my classmates, they have the same caliber: they have not eaten this stuff for at least 20 years.

While chatting, the second BOSS asked my classmates, do you remember that there is a XX Gui in our unit?

My classmate said that she was not impressed. When I came, she had already resigned.

I was a little surprised, resigned?

My classmate said that at that time, the junior came to the unit to make trouble.

I said, it's so pitiful, what is she doing now?

My classmate said that he was unclear about the details. He had issued a resume certificate to the unit a few years ago and asked at that time that he was teaching Chinese Studies at a training institution.

I said that she is a genius in writing.

My classmate said, I don't know this anymore.

When I went down the mountain, I was with my classmates, and I asked her if she was familiar with XX Gui?

She said, I'm really not familiar with it, but I just heard it slightly.

I asked, is it really because of Xiaosan?

She said that Xiaosan was the inducement. The main reason was that her husband worked as a shipping agent. She helped with the loan and asked some colleagues from the unit to provide guarantees. Later, they were all implicated. Xiaosan didn't go to the work unit to make trouble, but to the work unit and wanted to make a real-name report. , The fish died and the net broke, and the unit leader talked to her.

I said, count my half first love.

She said, you have too many first loves.

I said, a very talented person, I don't know how he's doing now.

She said that it was said that it was only said that she was divorced twice and brought two babies.

I said, that's too pitiful.

She said, yes.

There was a section of stream in the middle. They said that they hadn’t seen such a clear stream for many years, and they went down to the river one after another. I sat on a rock and searched for her along the way they said about Chinese learning. Sure enough, she found her, old, really old. Now, how does it feel? Just like I saw Zhou Xun playing a middle-aged woman in the movie "The Eleventh" a few days ago, Zhou Xun is really old, almost starring in his true colors.

No way, the years are a killer.

It was a profile of a teacher written by a Chinese culture training institution. She also said that she learned traditional martial arts and met a master who was a closed disciple. I continued to search for the name of this master, and found the blog of another master’s disciple. There was a photo of the apprenticeship ceremony. I saw XX Gui was also there, wearing a white jacket, sitting with the master, and there was an apprentice kneeling down below.

I rely on...

How to become a god?

Really, everyone has their own life trajectory. If you marry me, it may be my daughter-in-law's current state. If her marriage is normal, then she should be a regular-level cadre now. It was a mistake that made her tortured. Now, according to my instinct, people who like to write articles will not stop. I always feel that she should occasionally write some articles over the years.

I keep looking.

I continued to read the little apprentice’s Weibo to see if there were any clues. I actually found the name of ex-husband XX Gui. I continued searching along the name, and found the company I opened and the lawsuit.

After watching for a long time, it was basically a chicken feather.

The trajectory of a woman, to a large extent, really depends on who you marry. It does not mean that you will be happy if you marry me. I don’t think I am a very suitable man to be a husband, because I don’t make sure that I will cheat. Not worthy of anyone.

Regrettably, she didn't find only a few words written by her, and it seems that she has indeed put aside her writing.

Some time ago, a friend on WeChat asked me for a book. I looked through the chat log and made a similar confession. Anyway, the marriage is unfortunate, and the couple is involved in the loan or something. I replied perfunctorily and asked if she wanted I will send the book.

I have seen a woman who feels very sunny.

Brother SF Express called me and said that the courier I sent to this woman was not picked up, Fengchao took it out again, and asked me how to deal with it?

What's interesting is that I don't know what this friend is called, I just wrote about Ms. Li.

That’s what she wrote to me.

And the younger brother of SF Express called Li X directly, indicating that they are very familiar.

I asked, you didn't contact her again?

He said that she often couldn't get through the phone. I called again in the morning, but she didn't answer it.

I said, then I will leave a message for her.

He said that it has been more than half a year since her office moved out, and she owed the property money and was cleared away.

I asked, is there any family change?

He said that sometimes he didn't even pay me the courier fee. Basically, I was too old. I didn't answer the phone and didn't say a word of truth. I don't know if there is something at home.

A courier guy who can complain about these things with a stranger shows that he is indeed driven crazy. Ask me how to deal with the courier? I said wait a moment, I'll contact to see.

Did not reply to me either.

In the afternoon, sent me a message and got it.

We always scold Lao Lai for shame and heartlessness. In fact, when we become Lao Lai, we will be like them, without a word of truth, hiding in Tibet all day long, and perfunctory.

Ordinary people, especially working-class people, whether they are themselves or their family members, must stay away from leverage.

One death, one family.

Social death!

Eat at the restaurant...

I sit down, and the second in command Fei pulls me up to sit, leaning against her.

I said, I sit nervously with the beauty.

She said, old mother (meaning old women), what are you afraid of?

I said, it’s the same wherever you sit.

She said, "Come here, let's chat, chat with you for a long time."

I said, I just made up.

She said, it's okay, we all made up.

I took Mazza with the dishes, and went to sit next to her.

She said, "I haven't finished talking yet, who else do I know?"

I said, I still know Mr. Song X.

She said that it was an old man.

I said, we also met on the forum. At that time, the older people generally hated me because I always wrote about men and women. They thought I was not serious, and they reminded the forum women to be careful about me. In fact, I was only in my 20s. Most of the women are over 40 years old.

She said that I also visited occasionally at that time, but didn't study it carefully.

I said, he wrote articles very well, we two hit it off, we became friends year-end, his family is Suqian, we have been good until he retreats, he said that it is a waste of time in the system, to burn his limited life to his liking When he started his career, he was going back to his hometown to engage in agricultural research. After that, he almost broke off contact. The last time I met was in 2008. I was on a business trip through Suqian and met. He was almost 60 years old at that time. He said he was in Race against time with life, because he has a family history, not his own, but his family, and his two sisters, his father, both left around 60 years old.

She said that in 2018, the unit organized retirees to go to Yunnan, and he also participated.

I said that I am very happy to hear this news.

She said, a very nice person.

I said, it’s super good. I learned two things from him. The first is to always consider others. I came from the countryside. We rural people have misunderstandings about leaders. I remember there was a saying at that time that all section chiefs and above were shot dead. No one was wronged. The first leader I contacted was Teacher Song. He overturned all my understanding of cadres. There are really people who always think about the masses. There are really people who don’t take possession of them, and there are people who are like gentlemen. His life is not lustful and greedy. Of course, his career is not very smooth. He is not very concerned. This is directly related to his origin. His mother is a painter in Suqian, and his father is a professor in a university in Nanjing. He studied agriculture. He once wrote an article that when he was young, his father's research institute had a special car. Once his sister took a ride, his father paid back the car fare.

She said that Teacher Song is indeed such a person.

I said that afterwards, I met Teacher Zhao Defa, and once again felt like a gentleman, asking himself like a gentleman, and living like a gentleman.

She asked, what about the second point?

I said, the second point is that people living in the world must have works and make themselves shine. At that time, I wanted to enter your unit. At that time, I was still able to recruit people. My undergraduate qualifications were also excellent in all aspects. , And at that time I could be an undergraduate, a graduate student or even a Ph.D. It all depends on whether I want to do it or not. His advice to me is: Understand, you must not think about this road, here can not hold you, your future Immeasurable, shouldn't think about this...

She asked, why have you been obsessed with going to work?

I said that this kind of hypnosis procedure has been accepted since childhood.

She asked, how old is Teacher Song this year?

I said, 67 years old, as old as my mother.

She said that she is still a young person, so don't worry.

She asked, three people, now that two have been mentioned, how about one more?

I said, there is another Liang Gong.

She said she went to Qingdao for the test.

I say yes.

She asked, how did you meet?

I said that he was working with Teacher Song at the time, and he should have graduated from Shanda University. What I remember most about him is that his wife is very beautiful, sells curtains, and is very temperamental.

She said yes.

I said that Mr. Song’s advice to all his favorite generals is to go to big cities and not in small places, to start a business and not to work. His baby has also entered the system, arranged by his wife. He is very disappointed and said why not start a business. ? My father wasted most of his life in the system, so why did he repeat the same mistakes? Mr. Liang was forced by Teacher Song to go to Qingdao.

She said that the two divorced later.

I said that after Mr. Song retreated, I broke contact with Liang Gong basically because his name was very special. One day I searched for his name. When I wanted to find him, I found the divorce verdict. I looked at it roughly, not the verdict. , But the execution letter, that is, the court asked him to vacate the house, but he did not vacate.

She said that the development in Qingdao is very good now.

I said, that's good.

She said, the deputy chief.

I said, it should be remarried.

She said, yes.

How should I put it, sometimes, I recall some geniuses I met when I was young, and now I compare them and find that most of them have become mediocre, even a little embarrassed.

As a half-survivor, I feel very sorry, and I will sigh, why didn't I stick to the writing line back then? Keep writing day after day, after all, there will be a day in the future, and it’s not that you don’t have this talent, right?


After eating, checking out, 400 yuan, I returned the remaining money to my classmate, she didn’t want it, she said that the beer I drank was also mine, and the snacks, especially the lollipops, were all brought by me, even if my hard work No, what about gifts for the elderly?

I said, then I will give you a red envelope.

She said, I don't want to send red envelopes either.

I brought four mentions of peach crisps, which are for the elderly. There are a few veterans in the village who have participated in the defense war. The youngest living is almost 90 and deaf, but the story is very wonderful, whether you want to listen to it. In each section, he talked directly, as if talking to himself, it was wonderful, with nose and eyes.

No way, people often come, and he has become half of Guo Degang.

I'm familiar with the road.

One of my readers is from the village. Her father is from the village. She grew up in the city. She introduced her uncle to me. Her uncle is also from the city, but now living in the countryside, her uncle has participated in the right The more he fought back, he seemed to have done meritorious service. After he was discharged from the army, he joined a state-owned enterprise. Now he has a pension of more than 4,000 a month. He lives in the second best house in the village. The house is well cleaned. He took us to visit a few. One of the veterans was a female soldier, and the old lady also talked about it. The plots were similar, with cannons and machine guns.

After the visit, some of them took a picture with the old lady.

Let's go back.

Coming out of the village, the second boss said that he had fought for so long.

I said, the more the past, the more strenuous the battle, this kind of half-month battle is already faster, such as Menglianggu, a siege is two or three months, mutual stalemate, if it is in ancient times, a battle would be It takes several years to plan. For example, Qin Shihuang destroyed the six kingdoms in one breath. In fact, each one was separated by one or two years.

go back.

If I were to come by myself, I would not talk about battle scenes with these old men, because they are familiar with the road, and they can make up stories. I will talk with them about some very life topics. For example, when I was in Menglianggu, I interviewed a stall. The old man, he said that during the Menglianggu battle, he was in his teens, and he released donkeys every day. He said that the impression of the Menglianggu battle was a siege. After a few months, the people on the mountain could not get down, and the people below did not go up. The real battle was all night. They don’t know.

He told me one of the most interesting secrets, which is that the Menglianggu battle did not take place in today's Menglianggu.

It's the mountain next door.

However, that mountain is jointly owned by the two counties.

Not as good as the current Menglianggu, which is exclusively enjoyed by Mengyin, so the focus was on the development of this one.

I don't know who said it is true.

The old man told me a lot of interesting stories. There were human bones and horse bones everywhere on the mountain. There were horse bones in the village. They said they could make medicine. People in the nearby villages went up the mountain to pick up the bones. At first they only needed horse bones. The bones are also sold inside.

I still like to play with writers, because writers are very tricky when asking questions. They use the scientist’s channel to talk to the farmer, and they use the farmer’s channel. They are very good at attacking the mind. They also sit on tractors, and they sit on three wheels. , And follow them to the fields to harvest crops.

Do you think that the writer really came up with a novel at home?

To do a lot of social research.

Everything in the novel is true.

It's just that it was crushed and recombined.

Take a look at the author’s research. It’s really like a doctoral dissertation. Those who write about the Three Kingdoms really follow in the footsteps of Liu Bei. He went wherever he went first and then followed the map.

Unlike me, it's purely weaving.

My classmate gave me two mentions of green tea, and I don't drink tea. I want to give it to President Song. He likes drinking tea, so he just sat in a daze on the balcony.

I called him and he was there.

I went to give him tea.

He asked, why did you study short-term trading?

I said, I just want to see if there are any bugs in the short-term, or the law with great certainty.

He said that there won’t be any. Even a 51% certainty rule will be captured by high computing power. Absolute certainty will release a certain ruled trading signal, which will be captured by others again. There are anti-technologies, there are laws and there are anti-laws, and the whole market has been stuck together in this way.

I asked, what are the benefits of those automated trading programs?

He said that the annualized income will not exceed 20%. If it is stable, it will become Buffett early. The core of the automated trading program is actually to run your trading philosophy. It does not mean that it has sufficient computing power, or that you propose a trading rule. , He will execute it, but your trading rule may not be a stable profit.

I said, that is to say, short-term is not regular.

He said, yes, it is absolutely random.

I asked, how do you predict my short-term live broadcast?

He said that in the end you come to the conclusion that it is infinitely close to 50%, no profit or loss, and toss about, the longer the time, the more so.

I said, it hurts too much.

He said that everyone is looking for this certainty, just as Qin Shihuang is looking for the elixir of life. If it is unreliable, your fixed investment is very good. Why are you tossing about this?

I said, I just want to see if this is really the case.

He said, "Don't look at it. You have to focus your energy on the work, not on these things. You should be producing one work every year at your age. When you are 60, you have 20 works, which is pretty good. You want to produce fine works."

I said, high research.

He said, yes, it will definitely be able to travel through time, that is, after 20 years of reading it back, it still feels classic.

I said, good.

He said that to make way for the work, even the diary can be stopped.

I said, that won't work.

He said that nothing is impossible.

I said, how about safe driving if I write about it?

He said that in another 10 years, human driving will be synonymous with dangerous driving.

Okay, it's an official announcement.

I am going to be a professional writer.


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