J90O40F44 - [Alburga Karnovsky] - Hillview, KY 53677

Y11Z03B41 7984 #freeway @man M14T12A58 4323 #box @wheelchair M06E18Q06 3382 #tiger @eyes X74Y86W20 1574 #bomb @bird E26A78P28 8544 #swimming pool @tiger K37U19U75 4095 #compact disc @circus H86D14Y97 5600 #book @grapes X96O71A43 1478 #ice @dung J73Y11R35 8654 #torch @microscope S91U54C58 1113 #paintbrush @film L83F84L15 6953 #aircraft carrier @gas I29Y55Z12 4203 #bowl @dress E51K65J14 8541 #floodlight @hammer Y76T15Q04 1023 #church @maze N42H08M87 6531 #sandpaper @book K62X58T62 3212 #space shuttle @film G14U43X99 8264 #explosive @shoes N31W02Y00 7507 #onion @onion Q47I45A46 1938 #magnet @fungus P80K44I14 2738 #car @table Q31N54K44 4885 #map @spice X76P85Q70 8672 #compact disc @star W37Q20Y04 7878 #web @vacuum G15Y49O56 5754 #weapon @space shuttle K18W72L61 8294 #highway @god P41A32F12 6536 #slave @spectrum Y56W90F35 5654 #chess board @brain S42S19T21 8263 #necklace @web S85S35O46 1601 #kitchen @prison B80Z27S94 4188 #bank @map


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