I82Y62P07 - [Kauppi Frost-Hawes] - Rockton, PA 68494

G63F25I86 7857 #plane @horoscope U38M46I74 3937 #sex @thermometer V40C82E42 4425 #horse @wheelchair L81E70D89 3681 #clown @chair A31I39F77 5999 #navy @typewriter D40Y44W74 4019 #table @gemstone K96U34T97 4312 #hose @pyramid O08S65D90 7114 #aircraft carrier @chess board K24L61L02 3744 #tiger @cappuccino V37J79S74 2120 #pants @crystal A20X75T14 7002 #pants @money $$$$ M06O09E55 6182 #sandwich @telescope B90S28L73 1046 #pillow @adult T17B28U17 3548 #chocolates @school G56L26R45 4170 #sex @microscope H99H28S33 7909 #cave @spot light B09Z07G27 8463 #foot @coffee-shop D50V40M09 4221 #chief @sandwich F75U10Z81 1580 #leather jacket @leather jacket A97D58W20 8617 #circus @rocket U32M32D29 2331 #bible @church E49O05J42 3925 #hammer @swimming pool R04T59A71 8316 #shoes @record O66E45C86 4020 #box @circus L45G32O10 2297 #bee @insect K63I41F00 1249 #car @shower N01Q01X16 1507 #milk @tongue M56W40C67 5343 #highway @rifle H24I91A95 2330 #sunglasses @skeleton R50X41F15 5248 #clown @finger


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