I13U66S15 - [Naarah Dickerson] - Stamford, CT 62775

V77R78U73 7484 #circle @bible L37G14M47 4708 #x-ray @woman D08R33H33 6373 #butterfly @bathtub K58W83B03 4288 #skeleton @film S81D15J84 4857 #leather jacket @magnet K67N15Z13 8496 #radar @paintbrush I62S40U53 1053 #compact disc @robot B17P41Q30 2822 #web @fire J79W48M89 2933 #typewriter @clown B20Z59F70 4070 #tennis racquet @room I53D70R27 7144 #chisel @coffee-shop C95P39V67 5620 #child @data base L35U80Z97 5678 #chair @computer W62N14K05 5185 #egg @explosive K78Y55F42 3995 #radar @earth R45T14X22 3088 #train @hammer D26S66V18 8945 #parachute @rainbow X32D68M26 2921 #car-race @car I19W88L93 3349 #saddle @eyes N66Q27Q73 7354 #chess board @jet fighter E16L07B91 2229 #mouth @pants P95Q93Q22 2727 #girl @worm A02A84C21 2684 #compass @weapon I20S07B83 8445 #umbrella @coffee-shop C78Z03L81 1913 #table @bathtub Q04A83I99 5994 #arm @jet fighter K66Z70W88 1522 #software @shoes D50A25D80 2886 #nail @typewriter T10W83B36 1275 #finger @tiger Y10B89H26 4437 #fork @mosquito


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