Making wireless projects in embedded electronics becomes very important and helpful as there are no jumbled wires all over which makes the device more handy and portable. There are various wireless technologies such as Bluetooth, WiFi, 433 MHz RF (Radio Frequency) etc. Every technology has its own advantages and disadvantages such as cost, distance or range transfer, speed or throughput etc. Today we will use RF module with STM32 to send and receive the data wirelessly. If you are new to STM32 Microcontroller then start with Blinking LED with STM32 using Arduino IDE and check all other STM32 projects here.
Apart from this, we have also used RF 433Mhz Wireless Module with other microcontrollers to build some wireless controlled projects, such as:
RF Controlled Home Appliances
RF Remote Controlled LEDs Using Raspberry Pi
RF Controlled Robot
Interfacing RF module with Arduino
PIC to PIC Communication using RF Module
Here we will interface a 433MHz RF wireless module with STM32F103C8 microcontroller. The project is divided into two parts. The transmitter will be interfaced with STM32 and the receiver will be interfaced with Arduino UNO. There will be different circuit diagram and sketches for both transmitting as well receiving part.
In this tutorial, RF Transmitter sends two values to Receiver side: the distance measured using ultrasonic sensor and the potentiometer ADC value (0 to 4096) which is mapped as number from (0 to 100). The RF receiver of Arduino receives both the values and prints those distance and number values in 16x2 LCD display wirelessly.
Components Required
STM32F103C8 Microcontroller
Arduino UNO
433Mhz RF Transmitter & Receiver
Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04)
16x2 LCD display
10k Potentiometer
Connecting Wires
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