How Exercise From A Fitness Trainer Can Add Years to Youth

Myths regarding the fountain of youth go back some 3,000 years ago, a fountain believed to extend life. The truth is, the health benefits from regular exercise are yours for taking, and not just to look good in a bathing suit, but to add more years to your life.

Researchers have found out that at least 15 minutes of moderate exercise per day, equivalent to 92 minutes every week, has increased life expectancy 3 more years, with a 14% decrease in death risks as compared to living a sedentary lifestyle.

What 15 Minutes of Exercise Can Do For You

Exercise brings wonders to your body. Though, 15 minutes has as many health benefits as a 30-minute to an hour workout, this does not mean you have to scale back your numbers if you are already doing that much. A 15-minute exercise routine can get you started towards an active lifestyle; and the longer you stick to it, the easier will it be for you and the more it becomes enjoyable.

But, what can 15 minutes of exercise do to extend your life? For starters, it can boost your immune system and decrease the chance of you developing health conditions, such as heart disorders, cancer, hypertension, and osteoporosis.

Exercise has also been found to fight fatigue and boost energy. As regular exercise can deliver essential nutrients and oxygen to the different body parts, it can also improve muscle strength, endurance, and vitality to as much as 20%. When your heart and lungs work more efficiently, it will provide more energy to go about the entire day.

Most of us are unaware that exercise can also affect the brain. It produces chemicals, such as endorphins, that minimize the discomfort of exercise and improve your mood, creating a feeling of euphoria. It also produces BDNF or Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor that is essential for learning and memory.

Lastly, Exercise can control weight gain. The more you exercise the more calories you burn. Our body uses fat, carbohydrates, and protein for energy, and any excess of these becomes stored fat. Exercise can improve our metabolic rate that works the same way as a car uses gasoline. It converts sugar from carbohydrates to a fuel called ATP that the body uses for all of its functions and processes. Regular senior Youth Fitness training has also shown to slow the process of aging.

15-Minute Workouts You Can Do At Home and At Work

Any exercise is better than none at all. You don't have to do strenuous 15-minute workouts to reap benefits. Either at work or at home, you can start your own exercise routines. There are numerous exercise workouts that do not require a bit of expensive equipment you see in gyms, meaning all you need is a little bit of motivation and maybe some good energizing music.

You can start with blast fast exercises of a full minute exercise per routine. Then, take 15 to 20 seconds of rest in between to catch your breath and relax the muscles. For instance, you can do exercises by raising your legs knee-high. You begin by standing with your feet together and arms at your sides. Then you jog in place while raising your leg knee-high to make a 90-degree angle level with your hip. After a minute of continuing to alter raising your legs for a knee-high jog, you can proceed with the next routine, which is "mountain climbers" after a few seconds of rest.

"Mountain climbers" is quite advanced, and you need enough space to work on, especially if you are in the office. You start off with your hands and toes in push-up position. Then, bring your knee up underneath your chest or as far as you can, and push off the ground with both of your feet alternating simultaneously. Keep this motion for another minute, rest, and proceed to "jumping lunges."

In "jumping lunges," you step 3-4 feet forward and drop down in lunges with the other back knee almost touching the ground. Then, get back up and jump hard straight up. When you land down, be in the same position, but now with your opposite leg forward. Continue this for another minute, rest, and try "lateral jumps."

For "lateral jumps," you stand feet together, and your arms at your sides. Then, jump far to your right, landing only with your right foot, while extending your left leg behind your right leg, and squatting slightly. Repeat the same procedure, but this time jump as far to your left, landing only on your left foot, and your right leg behind. Continue this for a minute, rest, and repeat all the sets twice.

For quick warm-ups after, you can do wall squats, tricep dips, and stretches. For wall squats, you turn your back against the wall, back flat against it, and squat. Do this for a minute, and rest for a few seconds. Next, you need a chair for tricep dips. Sit and move to the end of the chair, use your arms to support your weight, legs front, and then dip your body towards the floor.

For the last 3 to 4 minutes, start with your head down to your toes for stretches. Look from left to right, and up and down for the head. Then, do shoulder circles, and arm stretches. You can do side bends, and forward-backward bends, followed with leg stretches.

Doing these cardio exercises, along with nutritional coaching, can help you burn more calories and increase your metabolism, meaning you can burn fat even while resting. These exercises may also be more enjoyable if you do them with your group of friends, co-workers, or family members. You will not only tone up, but also gain confidence as you progress knowing it is providing you with more health benefits.

Hardbat Athletics is a fitness gym in Newark, Delaware. We specialize in personal training, group fitness, CrossFit Kids, youth sports performance,Youth Fitness, and all forms of athletics.

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