heroes season 3 english subtitle download


heroes season 3 english subtitle download

Name: heroes season 3 english subtitle download
Category: Downloads
Published: urhonachri1982
Language: English



























Anyways, the problem was that PHP used %TEMP% to determine the destination for the uploaded file, and %TEMP% used the all-capitals version of the path. Changing it to use titlecase instead + restarting Apache fixed the problem.
public function fileNameOriginal () return $this -> filename_original ; >
Regarding topcat's suggested change, I am split on doing that. I don't like showing users errors that may give them more information than they should have (or show that I haven't provided for that particular error). But I want to know when there are errors that fall to the default case so I can fix my code. What I will typically do is write them to the error log something like this modification to metaltoad's post (takes into account the possibility of multi-line errors which error_log doesn't handle well):

User Contributed Notes 14 notes.
//include code to copy tmp file to final location here.
First a class to handler file upload: ( 'UPLOAD_PATH' , 'upload/' ); define ( 'MAXIMUM_FILESIZE' , '10485760' ); //10 MB class FileHandler private $file_types = array( 'xls' , 'xlsx' ); private $files = null ; private $filename_sanitized = null ; private $filename_original = null ;
It works only with files under . 4 or 5 kb, other files automatically get the size of 0 bytes. So something must be wrong here. Built-in is_uploaded_file() works good.
Here's an example of a switch:
default: //a default error, just in case! :) echo "There was a problem with your upload." ; $err_msg = "Unrecognized file POST error: " . $HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ][ 'error' ]; if (!( strpos ( $err_msg , "\n" ) === false )) $err_lines = explode ( "\n" , $err_msg ); foreach ( $err_lines as $msg ) error_log ( $msg , 0 ); > > else error_log ( $err_msg , 0 ); > break; ?>
Note that calling this function before move_uploaded_file() is not necessary, as it does the exact same checks already. It provides no extra security. Only when you're trying to use an uploaded file for something other than moving it to a new location.
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.3, PHP 5, PHP 7)
is_uploaded_file — Определяет, был ли файл загружен при помощи HTTP POST.
>else switch($HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['error']) case 0: //no error; possible file attack! echo "There was a problem with your upload."; break; case 1: //uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini echo "The file you are trying to upload is too big."; break; case 2: //uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the html form echo "The file you are trying to upload is too big."; break; case 3: //uploaded file was only partially uploaded echo "The file you are trying upload was only partially uploaded."; break; case 4: //no file was uploaded echo "You must select an image for upload."; break; default: //a default error, just in case! :) echo "There was a problem with your upload."; break; >
public function __construct ( $files ) $this -> files = $files ; >
Смотрите также.
Возвращаемые значения.
// . yada yada yada. preg_match ( '/\\.(exe|com|bat|zip|doc|txt)$/i' , $_FILES [ 'userfile' ][ 'name' ])) // . yada yada yada. ?>
//rejects all .exe, .com, .bat, .zip, .doc and .txt files if(preg_match("/.exe$|.com$|.bat$|.zip$|.doc$|.txt$/i", $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['name'])) exit("You cannot upload this type of file."); >
Список параметров.
//if file is not rejected by the filter, continue normally if (is_uploaded_file($userfile))
Пример #1 Пример использования функции is_uploaded_file()
move_uploaded_file() - Перемещает загруженный файл в новое место $_FILES Простой пример использования можно найти в разделе "Загрузка файлов на сервер".
$safe_filename = preg_replace ( array( "/\s+/" , "/[^-\.\w]+/" ), array( "_" , "" ), trim ( $this -> fileNameOriginal ())); $this -> filename_sanitized = md5 ( $safe_filename . time ()). $safe_filename ; return $this ; >
// . yada yada yada. preg_match ( "/.exe$|.com$|.bat$|.zip$|.doc$|.txt$/i" , $HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ][ 'name' ])) // . yada yada yada. ?> This will not work. It will, but not correctly. You shuld escape the . (dot) for the preg function, and escape the $ (dollar) sign for PHP, or use single-quoted string.
As of PHP 4.2.0, rather than automatically assuming a failed file uploaded is a file attack, you can use the error code associated with the file upload to check and see why the upload failed. This error code is stored in the userfile array (ex: $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['error']).
public function fileNameSanitized () return $this -> filename_sanitized ; >
Additionally, by testing the 'name' element of the file upload array, you can filter out unwanted file types (.exe, .zip, .bat, etc). Here's an example of a filter that can be added before testing to see if the file was uploaded:
Имя проверяемого файла.
default: //print the error code echo "Unrecognized error code: ".$HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['error']; break;
to get the example to work on windows, youll have to add a line, that replaces backslashes with slashes. eg.: $filename = str_replace ("\\", "/", $filename);
public function sanitize ( $cursor = 0 ) $this -> setFileNameOriginal ( $this -> files [ 'name' ][ $cursor ]);
if ( is_uploaded_file ( $_FILES [ 'userfile' ][ 'tmp_name' ])) echo "Файл " . $_FILES [ 'userfile' ][ 'name' ] . " успешно загружен.\n" ; echo "Отображаем содержимое\n" ; readfile ( $_FILES [ 'userfile' ][ 'tmp_name' ]); > else echo "Возможная атака с участием загрузки файла: " ; echo "файл '" . $_FILES [ 'userfile' ][ 'tmp_name' ] . "'." ; >
Just a little tip to info at metaltoad's comment: It's good practice to print error code when it can't be recognized:
Возвращает TRUE , если файл filename был загружен при помощи HTTP POST. Это полезно для удостоверения того, что злонамеренный пользователь не пытается обмануть скрипт так, чтобы он работал с файлами, с которыми работать не должен - к примеру, /etc/passwd .
Regarding the comment of info at metaltoad dot net @ 19-Feb-2003 04:03.
Any script working with the temporary file $_FILES[]['tmp_name'] should call this function.
public function extensionValid () $fileTypes = implode ( '|' , $this -> file_types ); $rEFileTypes = "/^\.( $fileTypes ) $/i" ; if(! preg_match ( $rEFileTypes , strrchr ( $this -> filename_sanitized , '.' ))) throw new Exception ( 'No se pudo encontrar el tipo de archivo apropiado' );
Unfortunately the first limit is not reported back as an error code in $_FILES['error'].
default: //a default error, just in case! :) echo "There was a problem with your upload." ; $err_msg = "Unrecognized file POST error: " . $HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ][ 'error' ]; if (( strpos ( $err_msg , "\n" ) === 0 ) $err_lines = explode ( "\n" , $err_msg ); foreach ( $err_lines as $msg ) error_log ( $msg , 0 ); > > else error_log ( $err_msg , 0 ) > break; ?>
public function uploadFile ( $cursor = 0 ) $this -> isUploadedFile ( $cursor ); if ( $this -> sanitize ( $cursor )-> fileSize ( $cursor ) MAXIMUM_FILESIZE ) $this -> extensionValid ()-> saveUploadedFile ( $cursor ); > else throw new Exception ( "El archivo es demasiado grande." ); > return $name ; >
The syntax should be (much shorter and neater):
Такие проверки особенно полезны, если существует вероятность того, что операции над файлом могут показать его содержимое пользователю или даже другим пользователям той же системы.
It isn't mentioned anywhere that I've seen, but $filename *is* case-sensitive on Windows. It means that while C:\Windows\TEMP\php123.tmp may have been uploaded, C:\Windows\Temp\php123.tmp was not.
> catch( Exception $e ) die( 'Error cargando archivo "' .( $file -> fileNameOriginal ()). '": ' . $e -> getMessage ()); >
Just looked at what I posted again and found several mistakes of the major and minor sort. That's what I get for posting before I finish my coffee. This should work better (i.e. should work in the first place):
//form is submited and detect that if ( $form_submited == 1 ) try //i assume de input file is: /* []" name=" []" type="file"/> where EXCEL_FILE is the constant: define('EXCEL_FILE', 'excel_file'); */ $file = new FileHandler ( $_FILES [ 'excel_file' ]); $inputFileName = $file -> uploadFile ()-> fileNameSanitized (); // File to read .
The example brought out does not work as supposed to:
To expand on what nicoSWD stated about this function.
If your $_FILES and $_POST are empty, this can be due to - the limit set by post_max_size in php.ini - the limit set by upload_max_filesize in php.ini.
function is_uploaded_file($filename) if (!$tmp_file = get_cfg_var('upload_tmp_dir')) $tmp_file = dirname(tempnam('', '')); > $tmp_file .= '/' . basename($filename); /* User might have trailing slash in php.ini. */ return (ereg_replace('/+', '/', $tmp_file) == $filename); >
public function fileSize ( $cursor = 0 ) return $this -> files [ 'size' ][ $cursor ]; >
I found this out because I was using realpath() on the filename which 'fixed' the case (my Temp folder is in titlecase, not uppercase - thank you Vista).
?> Next a part of code to use the class.
public function setFileNameOriginal ( $filename ) $this -> filename_original = $filename ; >
Likewise, most file operations are cached in PHP, therefore there should be minimal performance hit running is_uploaded_file before move_uploaded_file, since it will usually used a cached result for the latter.
Для правильной работы функции is_uploaded_file() нужен аргумент вида $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'] , - имя загруженного файла на клиентской машине $_FILES['userfile']['name'] не подходит.
Возвращает TRUE в случае успешного завершения или FALSE в случае возникновения ошибки.
In any case where the script is modified to unlink(), rename() or otherwise modify the file that IS NOT move_uploaded_file() will not have the upload checked.
public function setFileTypes ( $fileTypes = array()) $this -> file_types = $fileTypes ; return $this ; >
public function saveUploadedFile ( $cursor ) if(! move_uploaded_file ( $this -> files [ 'tmp_name' ][ $cursor ], UPLOAD_PATH . $this -> filename_sanitized )) throw new Exception ( "No se consiguió guardar el archivo" ); >
public function isUploadedFile ( $cursor ) if(! is_uploaded_file ( $this -> files [ 'tmp_name' ][ $cursor ])) throw new Exception ( "No se obtuvo la carga del archivo" ); > >
Here is my code for file handler, i hope it help to all:
also, as someone mentioned, globalizing $HTTP_POST_FILES is a good idea .
The security benefits outweigh the microsecond difference in performance in any event, and should universally be used as soon as the $_FILES array is first entered into an application. While there may not be an immediate issue, code evolves and could quickly change this fact.

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