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Name: hate crew deathroll download
Category: Soft
Published: docepupra1972
Language: English



























Adds credentials to the specified Job . The Target can be either SERVER or PROXY . The Scheme can be BASIC , DIGEST , NTLM , NEGOTIATE , or PASSPORT .
/setcredentials Job Target Scheme Username Password.
p – Terminal properties.
Commands that take a job parameter will accept either a job name or a job-ID GUID inside braces. Bitsadmin reports an error if the name is ambiguous.
If you use the following action command and store argument combination:
Note In the unlikely event that your computer pauses for a few minutes during installation while the Setup window is displaying "publishing product information," please be patient. The Setup program will continue shortly and will finish installing the Support Tools.
you can use the following parameter:
Instead of using myJob as the parameter the previous example, you could enter the GUID of the job. You can get the GUID of the job when you do the bitsadmin /create. You can also do a bitsadmin /list to get the GUID of the job. The GUIDS are unique, but the display names are not.
Retrieves the size of the specified Job .
As it installs the Support Tools, Setup:

o If you are using Internet address class-based subnet masks (the subnet masks are defined along octet boundaries), you can use wildcard notation to specify subnet masks. For example, 10.*.*.* is the same as and 10.92.*.* is the same as
Displays help at the command prompt.
If you use the following action command and store argument combination:
Some tools require separate or additional setup besides the steps described earlier. For more information about each of these tools and others with additional requirements, as well as a complete list of the tools, see the online Help file (Suptools.chm).
bitsadmin /addfile myJob http://myserver/myfile.ext c:\myFile.ext.
The following output is displayed:
The following output is displayed:
Value Description PRECONFIG Use the owner's IE defaults. AUTODETECT Turn on auto-detection of the proxy. NO_PROXY Do not use a proxy server. OVERRIDE Must be followed by an explicit proxy list and a proxy bypass list. NULL or "" can be used as an empty proxy bypass list.
bitsadmin /create /addfile /resume /list /complete.
· Viewing All of the IP Addresses on which the HTTP API is Listening.
To delete a specified job, type:
Ipseccmd static mode.
· The -dialup parameter is optional and sets policy on addresses of dial-up adapters. The -lan parameter is optional and sets policy on addresses of LAN adapters. If you specify neither the -dialup parameter nor the -lan parameter, the rule applies to all adapters.
Retrieves the ACL propagation flags for the specified Job .
If you use the following action command and store argument combination:
Retrieves the job state for the specified Job .
The following output is displayed:
Retrieves the server reply data in hexadecimal format.
Retrieves one or more HTTP API configuration records.
a – Startup of actions.
For example, to install Support Tools in the current directory, insert the Windows XP Professional CD in your CD-ROM drive and type the following at the command prompt:
ipseccmd [ \\ ComputerName ] -f FilterList [ -n NegotiationMethodList ] [ -t TunnelAddr ] [ -a AuthMethodList ] [ -1s SecurityMethodList ] [ -1k MMRekeyTime ] [ -1e SoftSAExpirationTime ] [ -soft ] [ -confirm ] [ -dialup | -lan >]
Get the Number of Files in a Job.
List Transfer Jobs.
Specifies whether the rule applies only to remote access or dial-up connections or whether the rule applies only to local area network (LAN) connections.
· Viewing All of the URLs that have been Assigned an ACL.
Windows XP SP2 Resource Kit.
The Windows Support Tools for Microsoft Windows XP Professional can be installed only on a computer running the Windows XP Professional operating system. They cannot be used to upgrade Microsoft® Windows NT® or Windows® 2000 Support Tools installed on Microsoft Windows NT or Windows 2000, respectively.
Get a Job's Size.
The following output is displayed:
· If you omit the -t parameter, IPSec transport mode is used.
Apimon.exe -- Apimon.hlp Dskprobe.exe -- Dskprobe.hlp Windiff.exe -- Windiff.hlp.
· Shows the Result of Deleting a Record from the iplisten Store.
m – Out of memory.
Optional parameters. The -x parameter requires the -p option and specifies that the local registry policy is assigned. The -y parameter specifies that the local registry policy is unassigned.
Sets the DisplayName for the specified Job .
BITS is exposed to programmers by a set of Application Program Interfaces (APIs). For more information about using BITS programmatic interfaces, see the Using Windows XP Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) with Visual Studio .NET topic on the MSDN Library Web site (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?link >
The following output is displayed:
httpcfg query urlacl.
Transfers one or more files, which are each specified by Name . The type can be /Download or /Upload . The default is /Download . The /priority parameter, by means of the Priority variable, sets the priority for the specified file transfer. The Priority can be FOREGROUND , HIGH , NORMAL , or LOW . The /aclflags parameter, by means of the Flags variable, sets the address control list (ACL) flags. The Flags variable can be one or more of the values in the following table:
Retrieves the number of files in the specified Job .
Specifies one or more key exchange security methods, separated by spaces.
The following output is displayed:
· Httpcfg.exe return codes.
o SourceMask , SourcePort , DestMask , and DestPort are optional. If you omit them, the mask of and all ports are used for the filter.
The following output is displayed:
where EncrypAlg can be des or 3des , HashAlg can be md5 or sha , and GroupNum can be 1 for the Low(1) Diffie-Hellman group, 2 for the Medium(2) Diffie-Hellman group, or 3 for the High(3) Diffie-Hellman group. If you omit the -1s parameter, the default key exchange security methods are 3des-sha-2, 3des-md5-2, des-sha-1, and des-md5-1.
· The -a Parameter and Security Descriptor Definition Language.
If you use the following action command and store argument combination:
The following tools install when the Complete checkbox is selected during setup. However, the Help for these tools contains the Windows 2000 version and is not included in Suptools.chm. The help for these tools can be launched from the help menu option of the tools or it can also be launched from the command line by typing the help file name directly.
· It is not possible to undo the changes made by this option. Use this command carefully.
/setdisplayname Job DisplayName.
The -u parameter takes a string containing a fully qualified URL that identifies the reservation to be deleted. When using delete urlacl , the -u parameter is required.
The following output is displayed:
/setnoprogresstimeout Job Timeout.
Add a File to a Specified Job.
· To delete all dynamic policies, use the following syntax:
/addfilewithranges Job RemoteURL LocalName RangeList.
Get a Job's Creation Time.
To install the Windows XP Professional Support Tools.
Required. Specifies a set of dynamic mode parameters for an IPSec rule as described earlier.
Deletes the specified Job .
bitsadmin /getmodificationtime myjob.
Delete All Jobs in the Manager.
The following output is displayed:
Delete a Specified Job.
Sets a program to execute for notification of the specified Job . ProgramName can be NULL . ProgramParameters are optional and can be NULL .
/transfer Name [ type ][ /priority Priority ][ /aclflags Flags ] RemoteURL LocalName.
Store arguments.
Required. Specifies that the policies and rules are written to the local registry, a remote computer's registry, or to persistent storage.
o For the -o parameter, all aspects of the specified policy are deleted. Do not use this parameter if you have other policies that point to the objects in the policy you want to delete.
· Using DisplayName as the argument for the job will work only if there is one job in the queue with this display name. Otherwise, Bitsadmin will return an error. If this happens, the GUID must be used.
· 2 - Use cached client certificate revocation.
· Ipseccmd cannot configure rules on computers running Windows 2000.
For example, / aclflags OGDS copies all ACL parts. RemoteURL specifies the file's source location. LocalName specifies the file's name on the local target computer. Multiple URL/file pairs can be specified.
Get the Number of Bytes Transferred for a Job.
Specifies the tunnel endpoint for tunnel mode as either an IP address or a DNS domain name.
The -h parameter takes a string of hexadecimal digits specifying the Thumbprint hash of the certificate being added. This is not a required parameter. However, the SSL connection will fail if the hash is invalid.
Returns data suitable for parsing. Strips new line characters and formatting from the output. This parameter can be used with the /create and /get * parameters.
The following output is displayed:
Retrieves the display name for the specified Job .
/replaceremoteprefix Job OldPrefix NewPrefix.
To create a mirrored filter that permits traffic between the local IP address and the IP address, type:
o For the -r parameter, if a rule with that name already exists, the rule is modified to reflect the parameters you specify in the command. For example, if you include the -f parameter for an existing rule, only the filters of that rule are replaced. If no rule exists with the name you specify, a rule with that name is created.
Sets the path of the file containing the server reply.
Retrieves the proxy list for the specified Job .
The -a parameter takes a string containing an Access Control List in the form of a Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) string. When using set urlacl , the -a parameter is required.
Adds a file to the specified Job . RemoteURL specifies the file's source location. LocalName specifies the file's name on the local target computer.
To delete all jobs in the manager, type:
o The PFS parameter is optional, and it enables session key perfect forward secrecy. By default, session key perfect forward secrecy is disabled.
The following options are valid for /Upload-reply jobs only:
To find out how many files have been transferred by a job, type:
If you use the following action command and store argument combination:
· bitsadmin / util /setieproxy networkservice AUTOSCRIPT http://server/get.as.
Unattended Installation.
This group of examples shows how to add, show, and delete a certificate in the SSL store.
Perform a Series of Operations Simultaneously.
The -x parameter takes a string of numbers representing the time-out interval, in milliseconds, for retrieving a certificate revocation list from the remote URL.
Important It is highly recommended that you remove all previous versions of Support Tools, including beta versions of the Windows Support Tools for Microsoft Windows XP Professional, before running the Support Tools installation program.
Creates named policies and named rules. You can also use static mode to modify existing policies and rules, provided they were originally created with Ipseccmd. The syntax for static mode combines the syntax for dynamic mode with parameters that enable it to work at a policy level.
Removes credentials from the specified Job . The Target can be either SERVER or PROXY . The Scheme can be BASIC , DIGEST , NTLM , NEGOTIATE , or PASSPORT .
· 65536 - No usage check.
bitsadmin /resume myJob.
Retrieves the job owner for the specified Job .
c – Initial UI parameters.
Required. Specifies the name of the policy and how often, in minutes, the policy is checked for changes. If PolicyName contains any spaces, use quotation marks around the text (that is, " Policy Name " ).
you can use the following parameter:
bitsadmin /getcompletiontime myjob.
Retrieves the job completion time for the specified Job .
Retrieves an error count for the specified Job .
ipseccmd -f 0+* -n ah[md5]
Retrieves detailed error information for the specified Job .
The -i parameter takes a string specifying the IP address to be added to the IP-Listen List. This can be either an IPv4 or IPv6 address. When using set iplisten , the -i parameter is required.
where EncrypAlg can be none , des , or 3des , AuthAlg can be none , md5 , or sha , and HashAlg can be md5 or sha .
The httpcfg.exe commands return a standard WIN32 API error code. A return value of 0 means that the command completed successfully. For more information about WIN32 API error codes, see the Event Logging topic on the MSDN Library Web site (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?Link >
ipseccmd -f 0+* -a p:"localauth" -w reg -p "Me to Anyone" -r "Secure My Traffic" -x.
o You can replace SourceAddress / SourceMask or DestAddress / DestMask with the values in the following table.
· bitsadmin / util /setieproxy networkservice NO_PROXY /conn "XYZ Dialup"
The -t parameter takes a string that specifies an SSL control identifier, which restricts the group of certificate issuers to be trusted. This group must be a subset of the certificate issuers trusted by the computer being administered.
Setup for Support Tools Software.
· Httpcfg.exe and the HTTP API.
Choose a Parameter from the Parameters section:
To resume a job, type:
File Name: WindowsXP-KB838079-SupportTools-ENU.exe Version: SP2 Date Published: 8/10/2004 Language: English Download Size: 4.7 MB.
httpcfg set ssl -i -h 2c8bfddf59a4a51a2a5b6186c22473108295624d -g " "
The following tools install when the Complete checkbox is selected during setup. However, these tools are not documented in a separate Help file. For most command-line tools, you may type /? (for example, apmstat /? ) at the command prompt for syntax help. You can also find additional documentation for some tools in the individual tool release notes within this document. This release note documentation is more recent then the documentation in the help file.
· This option requires Administrator account status.
Retrieves the proxy usage setting for the specified Job .
Gets the path of the file containing the server reply.
ipseccmd.exe (IPSec Configuration Tool)
To find out whether and when a job has completed, type:
For more information about how Httpcfg corresponds to the HTTP API, see Using the HTTP API Configuration Tool on the MSDN Library Web site (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?Link >
you can use the following parameter:
The -u parameter takes a string containing a fully qualified URL that identifies the reservation being queried. If no string is specified, the query returns all reservations in the store.
/util [ / getieproxy Account ] [ /conn ConnectionName ]
you can use the following parameters:
bitsadmin /getdisplayname myjob.
httpcfg set iplisten -i
The Windows Support Tools for Windows XP can be installed only on a computer that is running the Windows XP operating system. The Windows Support Tools for Windows XP cannot be used to upgrade Microsoft Windows NT or Microsoft Windows 2000 Support Tools installed on Windows NT or Windows 2000.
Retrieves the priority of the specified Job .
o The Rekey parameter is optional, and it specifies the number of kilobytes (indicated by placing a K after the number) or the number of seconds (indicated by placing an S after the number) that precede a rekeying of the quick mode SA. To specify both rekey parameters, separate the two numbers with a slash (/). For example, to rekey the quick mode SA every hour and after every 5 megabytes of data, type:
Manages the HTTP application programming interface (API). Httpcfg can be used to perform many of the tasks associated with Web server administration. The HTTP API enables applications to communicate over HTTP without using Internet Information Services (IIS). Applications can register to receive HTTP requests for particular URLs, receive HTTP requests, and send HTTP responses. The HTTP API includes SSL support so applications can also exchange data over secure HTTP connections without depending on IIS. It is also designed to work with I/O completion ports.
Release Notes (Readme.htm) for Windows Support Tools for Microsoft Windows XP Professional.
The -i parameter takes a string that specifies the IP and Address:port combination. This serves as the record key identifying the SSL certificate being queried. If this parameter is omitted, then the query returns all records in the SSL store.
Enables soft SAs.
Parameter Description block The rest of the policies in NegotiationMethodList are ignored, and all of the filters become blocking filters. pass The rest of the policies in NegotiationMethodList are ignored, and all of the filters become permit filters. inpass Inbound filters allow initial communication to be unsecured, but responses are secured using IPSec.
Specifies the computer name of a remote computer to which you want to add a rule.
o The configuration esp [ none,none ] is not supported.
bitsadmin /create myjob.
o For the -w parameter, the Location is either reg to specify the registry of the local computer or a remote computer, or pers to specify persistent storage. With reg , if you specified \\ ComputerName , the policy is written to the remote computer's registry.
To run a series of operations such as /create /addfile /resume /list /complete, type:
Specifies the expiration time for soft SAs in seconds.
Download details Windows XP SP2 Support Tools for Advanced Users.
· For the -a parameter, one or more authentication methods are separated by spaces and are in one of the following forms:
Value Description NO_PROXY Specify direct connection (Do not use a proxy server). AUTODETECT Turn on auto-detection of the proxy. MANUAL_PROXY Use an explicit proxy list and bypass list. Must be followed by a proxy list and a proxy bypass list (comma-delimited). NULL or "" can be used as an empty proxy bypass list. AUTOSCRIPT Specify a script to be run during proxy auto-discovery. AUTOSCRIPT must be followed by a URL indicating the script location.
The following scripts install when the Complete checkbox is selected during setup. Help is not included for these scripts. For more information, see the Iadstools.doc and Clonepr.doc files.
The -m parameter takes a string containing one or more numbers representing flags that determine the default mode for checking the certificate. The numbers can consist of one or more of the following flag values:
Note The Application Compatibility Toolkit does not install with the Support Tools.
Lists the files in the specified Job .
httpcfg.exe (HTTP Configuration Utility)
The -u parameter takes a string containing a fully qualified URL that will serve as the record key for the reservation being made. When using set urlacl , the -u parameter is required.
Required for the second syntax. Specifies that all dynamic rules are deleted.
Value Description O owner G group D DACL S SACL.
Configures Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) policies in a directory service or in a local or remote registry. Ipseccmd is a command-line alternative to the IP Security Policies Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in. Ipseccmd has six modes: dynamic mode, static mode, show mode, set mode, import mode, and export mode.
Clonegg.vbs Cloneggu.vbs Clonelg.vbs Clonepr.vbs Search.vbs Sidhist.vbs.
Displays data from the IPSec policies database.
Option Parameters Meaning /i FullPath \suptools.msi [ /qb ] Installs or configures. /qb performs unattended installation (optional). /f [ReinstallModes] FullPath \suptools.msi Repairs a previous installation. /a FullPath \suptools.msi Admin Installation. Installs on the network. /x FullPath \suptools.msi Uninstalls. /l [i|w|e|f|a|r|u|c|m|p|+] FullPath \ LogFile Specifies path to log file. The flags indicate what information to log.
The prefixes of all files whose URLs begin with OldPrefix are changed to NewPrefix .
httpcfg set urlacl -u http://woodgrovebank.com:443/ -a "O:DAG:DAD:(A;;GRGX;;;DA)(A;;GA;;;BA)"
To create a tunnel rule for traffic from and by using the tunnel endpoint, with AH tunnel mode by using the SHA1 hash algorithm, with master key perfect forward secrecy enabled, and with a confirmation prompt for the rule before it is created, type:
To find out the display name for a job, type:
Note: This option requires Administrator account status.
To find out the size of a job, type:
The -i parameter takes a string specifying the IP address to be deleted from the IP-Listen List. This can be either an IPv4 or IPv6 address. When using delete iplisten , the -i parameter is required.
To find out how many files are in a job, type:
· For the -f parameter, a filter specification is one or more filters that are separated by spaces and is defined by the following format:
If the Setup program finds an older version of Support Tools, it opens a dialog box with Add/Remove and Remove all (default) options. If you select Remove all , Setup automatically uninstalls Support Tools. If you select Add/Remove , you can manually uninstall Support Tools.
Be aware also that for some tools, the Support Tools Setup or the tool's own Setup program performs other installation procedures, such as making changes in the registry. You might not be able to run these tools even if you extract all their files from the .cab; first install them with the Support Tools Setup or the tool's own Setup program.
Activate.exe Apmstat.exe Bindiff.exe Browstat.exe Cabarc.exe Dsastat.exe Dupfinder.exe Extract.exe IpsecCmd.exe Ksetup.exe Ktpass.exe Ntfrsutil.exe Pviewer.exe Remote.exe Rsdiag.exe Setspn.exe Timezone.exe Tracefmt.exe Tracelog.exe Tracepdb.exe Vfi.exe Whoami.exe Wsremote.exe.
The -a parameter takes a string in the form of the Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL). The SDDL string defines the format that is used by the ' httpcfg set urlacl -a ' command. The SDDL also defines string elements for describing information in the components of a security descriptor.
Value Description 0 My address or addresses * Any address DNSName DNS domain name. If the DNS name resolves to multiple addresses, it is ignored. You can specify DNS, WINS, DHCP, or GATEWAY. The security policy database (SPD) dynamically replaces these specifications with the associated addresses set on the computer.
To create a rule that uses the Authentication Header (AH) with MD5 hashing for all traffic to and from the local computer, type:
The Setup program installs Windows Support Tools files onto your hard disk. A typical installation requires 4 megabytes (MB) of free space.
/setnotifyflags Job NotifyFlags.
After running the command, Httpcfg displays the following text on the screen to confirm the command completed without an error (error code of 0).
Specifies that the rule or policy should be deleted.
About the Tools.
You should probably use the Windows Server 2003 Support Tools instead, as they are newer than the XP ones and include a few new tools.
ipseccmd -f -t -n ah[sha] -1p -c.
General Setup Instructions.
httpcfg delete ssl -i
o You can enable the default response rule by specifying the filter specification of default .
Value Description O owner G group D DACL S SACL.
· 4 - Do not route to raw ISAPI filters.
· bitsadmin / util /setieproxy localsystem MANUAL_PROXY proxy1:80 ""
· For the -n parameter, one or more negotiation policies are separated by spaces and follow one of the following forms:
o If you do not specify negotiation policies, the default negotiation policies are the following:
you can use the following parameters:
In the following example, the user uses the httpcfg set ssl command with the -i , -h , and -g parameters to specify the IP address, Thumbprint hash, and GUID, respectively, for the certificate being added.
you can use the following parameter:
BITS regulates the transfer rate to minimize impact on user interactivity, such as a job sent to a network printer or Web pages viewed in Internet Explorer.
Creates a Windows Support Tools folder within the Program Files folder on the Start menu, which contains a shortcut to the Windows Support Tools Help. From there you can access the online documentation and launch tools. Adds the \Program Files\Support Tools directory (or the directory name you choose for installing the tools) to your computer's hard drive. Appends the \Program Files\Support Tools directory to your computer's PATH statement. This enables you to run an installed Support Tool from a command prompt within any folder on the hard drive without specifying the path to the Support Tools folder.
If you omit the -1k parameter, the default values for main mode rekey are an unlimited number of quick mode SAs and 480 minutes.
bitsadmin /getbytestransferred myjob.
· To add a rule, use the following syntax:
Create BITS Job.
· Deleting a URL ACL Combination from the urlacl Store.
Individual Tool Release Notes.
u – User requests.
Retrieves the retry delay, in seconds, for the specified Job .
bitsadmin [ / rawreturn ] [ /wrap | /nowrap >] Parameter.
Sets the RetryDelay , in seconds, for the specified Job .
This group of examples show how to add, delete, and list IP address in the iplisten store.
Depending on the action command used, adds ( set ), queries, or deletes Internet Protocol (IP) addresses in the IP Listen List. If this list is present, the HTTP API listens only to addresses on the list.
Returns the command line for job notification of the specified Job .
httpcfg query ssl.
The following output is displayed:
It is highly recommended that you remove all previous versions of Support Tools, including beta versions of the Windows Support Tools for Microsoft Windows XP, before you run the Support Tools installation program.
The Windows Support Tools for Microsoft Windows XP Professional are located in the \Support\Tools folder on the Windows XP Professional CD. The \Support\Tools folder contains a Windows Installer file (suptools.msi), which installs the Support Tools utilities and tools on your computer's hard drive.
The Windows Support Tools for Microsoft Windows XP are intended for use by Microsoft support personnel and experienced users to assist in diagnosing and resolving computer problems. For individual tool descriptions, see the Windows Support Tools documentation (Suptools.chm).
The -i parameter takes a string specifying the exact IP address to be queried. If absent, the query returns all addresses in the store.
Get a Job's State.
Use ConnectionName (the name in quotes) to indicate the network connection to which the new proxy settings should be applied. If you do not specify ConnectionName , the default connection is used (this is usually the LAN connection). Use / conn /? for a list of possible connection names.
The following output is displayed:
· For the -1k parameter, you can specify the number of quick mode SAs (indicated by placing a Q after the number) or the number of seconds (indicated by placing an S after the number) to rekey the main mode SA. To specify both rekey parameters, you must separate the two numbers with a slash (/). For example, to rekey the main mode SA after every 10 quick mode SAs and every hour, type:
· bitsadmin / util /setieproxy networkservice NO_PROXY.
you can use the following parameter:
Sets the notify flags for the specified Job .
BITS is often erroneously confused with Windows Update service because Windows Update service uses Background Intelligent Transfer Service by default.
The -c parameter takes a string that specifies the name of the store where the certificate being added resides. If no string is specified, the name "MY" is used by default.
Depending on the action command used, adds ( set ), queries, or deletes SSL certificate meta-information. Such meta-information is maintained by the HTTP API in a metastore, and is used to locate certificates for certificate exchange during HTTPS sessions.
If you use the following action command and store argument combination:
Retrieves the no progress time-out, in seconds, for the specified Job .
r – Action-specific records.
Suspends the specified Job . The job will not be scheduled to run again until the /resume parameter is run.
Tools Documented But Not Installed In This Release.
Ipseccmd show mode.
Related Resources.
Displays help at the command prompt.
bitsadmin /getfilestotal myjob.
To create a job, type:
Retrieves the job modification time for the specified Job .
Sets the Internet Explorer proxy settings for the system Account of the user. If ConnectionName is not specified, settings are applied to the default network connection. The Account can be LOCALSYSTEM , NETWORKSERVICE , or LOCALSERVICE . The usage choices are shown in the following table:
bitsadmin /getcreationtime myjob.
i – Status messages.
+ – Append to existing file.
The following section covers release note information for individual Windows XP Professional tools. When using a tool, make sure to also check the online Help (Suptools.chm) for more information.
Using the httpcfg iplisten command.
You can install the Windows Support Tools for Microsoft Windows XP Professional from the command prompt. If necessary, you can also use the /qb option to install or uninstall in silent mode, which requires no further interaction from the user.
Resume a Job.
If you omit the -1e parameter, the expiration time for soft SAs is 300 seconds. However, soft SAs are disabled unless you include the -soft parameter, which then sets the value to the main mode lifetime.
Get a Job's Completion Time.
msiexec /i CDDriveLetter :\support\tools\suptools.msi /qb.
· 1 - Client certificate will not be verified for revocation.
o You can create mirrored filters by replacing the equals sign (=) with a plus sign (+).
Using the httpcfg ssl command.
The -r parameter takes a string of numbers that specify the revocation freshness time for the certificate. Revocation freshness represents the number of seconds after which to check for an updated certificate revocation list (CRL). If this value is absent or zero, the new CRL is updated only when the previous one expires.
You can use Ipseccmd dynamic mode to add anonymous rules to the existing IPSec policy by adding them to the IPSec security policies database. The rules added will be present even after the IPSEC Services service is restarted. The benefit of using dynamic mode is that the rules you add coexist with domain-based IPSec policy. Dynamic mode is the default mode for Ipseccmd.
To find out when a job was created, type:
The following output is displayed:
bitsadmin /getbytestotal myjob.
Sets the proxy usage for the specified Job . The usage choices are shown in the following table:
msiexec /i CDDriveLetter :\support\tools\suptools.msi.
you can use the following parameter:
Httpcgf then displays the following text to the screen, verifying that the command completed successfully (error code of 0).
The following output is displayed:
The following output is displayed:
o The sha parameter refers to the SHA1 hash algorithm.
Action commands are set , query , and delete . These commands are followed by a set of arguments ssl , urlacl , and iplisten , which are known as store arguments. Depending on the value of the action command and the store argument, different parameters are then available. For example, the set ssl command can take a different set of parameters from the query ssl command.
e – All error messages.
Important: These tools have not been localized; they are written and tested only in the English language. Using these tools with a different language version of Microsoft Windows XP may not work.
To run /list /allusers /verbose, type:
The -f parameter takes a string containing a number that controls how client certificates are handled. This number can consist of one or more of the following values:
The following table lists the command-line options for installing from the command prompt.
bitsadmin /getstate myjob.
Some examples are:
Specifies main mode SA rekey settings.
Get a Job's Display Name.
Specifies one or more authentication methods, separated by spaces.
Retrieves the number of files transferred for the specified Job .
Retrieves the notify flags for the specified Job .
Retrieves the job creation time for the specified Job .
· 2 - Negotiate client certificate.
Important These tools have not been localized: they are written and tested in English only. Using these tools with a different language version of Microsoft Windows XP Professional might produce unpredictable results.
httpcfg delete urlacl -u http://woodgrovebank.com:80/
The -g parameter takes a string representing a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) that identifies the application that added the certificate. In the case of Httpcfg, the GUID must be generated by the user. The enclosing quotation marks and curly braces are required; the -g parameter will not work without them. For more information about generating GUIDs, see Generating Interface UUIDs (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?Link > on the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN).
/setnotifycmdline Job ProgramName ProgramParameters.
The -n parameter takes a string containing the name of the store in which to look up the control identifier specified by the -t parameter.
o The Group parameter is optional, and it specifies the Diffie-Hellman group for session key perfect forward secrecy. For the Low(1) Diffie-Hellman group, specify PFS1 . For the Medium(2) Diffie-Hellman group, specify PFS2 . For the High(3) Diffie-Hellman group, specify PFS3 . By default, the group value for session key perfect forward secrecy is taken from the current main mode settings.
· If you do not specify the \\ ComputerName parameter, the rule is added to the local computer.
o Protocol is optional. If you omit it, all protocols are used for the filter. If you specify a protocol, you must specify the port or precede the protocol with two colons (::). (See the first example for dynamic mode.) The protocol must be the last item in the filter. You can use the following protocol symbols: ICMP, UDP, RAW, or TCP.
For more information, see the Security Descriptor Definition Language topic on the MSDN Library Web site (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?Link >
Required for first syntax. Specifies one or more filter specifications, separated by spaces, for quick mode security associations (SAs). Each filter specification defines a set of network traffic affected by this rule.
Deletes the specified information, such as IP addresses or SSL certificates, from the HTTP API configuration store, one record at a time.
The following output is displayed:
Action commands.
Attempts to repair a malfunctioning BITS service by inspecting some of the service configuration settings. If repairing the settings does not clear the errors in starting the BITS service, use the /force parameter to delete and re-create the BITS service.
Creates a configuration record that contains the values specified by the ssl , urlacl , or iplisten argument. This record is then added to the HTTP API configuration store. The call fails if a record with the specified values already exists. To change a given configuration record, you must first delete it, and then recreate it by using set with the updated value(s).
Sets the description for the specified Job .
Get the Number of Files Transferred for a Job.
Note On the Windows XP Professional CD, most tools are compressed into cabinet (.cab) files. You cannot run executable files, call other binaries, or open documentation directly from .cab files. Before you run a tool that you have not installed by using the Support Tools Setup, you must first extract all executable files and dependencies for a tool from the .cab file on the CD to your hard drive.
bitsadmin /list /allusers /verbose.
To list the transfer jobs, type:
o You can specify a permit filter by surrounding the filter specification with parentheses. You can specify a blocking filter by surrounding the filter specification with brackets ([ ]).
To find out which user owns a job, type:
If you use the following action command and store argument combination:
To create a policy named Default Domain Policy with a 30-minute polling interval in which policy changes are written to persistent storage, with a rule named Secured Servers for traffic between the local computer and computers named SecuredServer1 and SecuredServer2, and by using Kerberos and preshared key authentication methods, type:
· For the -1s parameter, one or more key exchange security methods are separated by spaces and defined by the following format:
This group of examples shows how to add, remove, and view URL ACL combinations in the urlacl store.
The PresharedKeyString parameter specifies the string of characters of the preshared key. The CAInfo parameter specifies the distinguished name of the certificate as displayed in the IP Security Policies snap-in when the certificate is selected as an authentication method for a rule. The PresharedKeyString and CAInfo parameters are case-sensitive. You can abbreviate the authentication method by using the first letter: p , k , or c . If you omit the -a parameter, the default authentication method is Kerberos.
Using the httpcfg urlacl command.
Sets the no progress Timeout , in seconds, for the specified Job .
/setminretrydelay Job RetryDelay.
Displays command line usage.
Returns the size and progress of the server reply.
If you use the following action command and store argument combination:
The following Support Tools have been updated in Service Pack 2: bitsadmin.exe extract.exe httpcfg.exe iadstools.dll ipseccmd.exe netdom.exe replmon.exe The following is a list of all Support Tools in Service Pack 2: acldiag.exe activate.exe addiag.exe adprop.dll adsiedit.msc apimon.exe apmstat.exe bindiff.exe bitsadmin.exe browstat.exe cabarc.exe clonepr.dll depends.exe dfsutil.exe dhcploc.exe diruse.exe dmdiag.exe dnscmd.exe dsacls.exe dsastat.exe dskprobe.exe dumpchk.exe dupfinder.exe efsinfo.exe exctrlst.exe extract.exe filever.exe ftonline.exe getsid.exe gflags.exe httpcfg.exe iadstools.dll ipseccmd.exe ksetup.exe ktpass.exe ldp.exe memsnap.exe movetree.exe msicuu.exe msizap.exe netcap.exe netdiag.exe netdom.exe netset.exe nltest.exe ntdetect.chk ntfrsapi.dll ntfrsutl.exe pfmon.exe pmon.exe poolmon.exe pptpclnt.exe pptpsrv.exe pstat.exe pviewer.exe rasdiag.exe remote.exe replmon.exe rsdiag.exe rsdir.exe sdcheck.exe search.vbs setspn.exe setx.exe showaccs.exe showperf.exe sidhist.vbs sidwalk.exe sidwalk.msc snmputilg.exe spcheck.exe timezone.exe tracefmt.exe tracelog.exe tracepdb.exe vfi.exe whoami.exe windiff.exe wsremote.exe xcacls.exe.
To find out the type of job for myjob, type:
Displays the version of BITS currently active on the system. The /verbose parameter is used for printing additional information useful for troubleshooting.
/removecredentials Job Target Scheme.
· Adding a URL ACL Combination to the urlacl Store.
where: CDDriveLetter : is the letter indicating the CD-ROM drive (for example, d: ).
Get a Job's Last Modification Time.
For example, / setaclflags OGDS sets all the ACL propagation flags.
· Viewing Certificates in the SSL Store.
Takes ownership of the specified Job .
Required. Specifies the name of the rule. If RuleName contains any spaces, use quotation marks around the text (that is, " Rule Name " ).
Allows administrators to manage the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), a background file transfer service and queue manager in Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003 and Microsoft® Windows® XP. Requests to BITS are submitted by an application and the files can be transferred in a throttled manner such that the interactive user is not affected by the bandwidth consumed. Requests are placed in a queue until the files are transferred, at which time the requesting application is invoked and notified of the completion.
Similar to /addfile , but BITS reads only selected byte ranges of the URL. RangeList is a comma-delimited series of length and offset pairs, for example 0:100,2000:100,5000:eof instructs BITS to read 100 bytes starting at offset zero, 100 bytes starting at offset 2000, and the remainder of the URL starting at offset 5000.
Queues the specified Job to the list of jobs enabled for transfer.
w – Nonfatal warnings.
The -i parameter takes a string specifying the IP and Address:port combination. This serves as the record key identifying the SSL certificate to be deleted. When using delete ssl , the -i parameter is required.
Get a Job's Owner.
In this example, the user first uses the httpcfg query ssl command with the -i parameter, specifying an IP address in order to view the meta-information for a particular certificate. After viewing the meta-information, the user uses the httpcfg query ssl command without the -i parameter, to view all certificates in the store.
Lists transfer jobs. The / allusers parameter lists jobs for all users on the system. The /verbose parameter provides detailed information about jobs.
Completes the specified Job and makes the files available for the destination directory. This is normally run after the job moves to the transferred state.
To add a file to a specified job, type:
Bitsadmin.exe (BITS Administration Utility)
· bitsadmin / util /setieproxy localsystem AUTODETECT.
ipseccmd -f 0+SecuredServer1 0+SecuredServer2 -a k p:"corpauth" -w pers -p "Default Domain Policy":30 -r "Secured Servers"
To find out a job's state, type:
Does not wrap output to fit in a command window.
Monitors the copy manager. The /allusers parameter monitors the copy manager for all users on the system. The /refresh parameter reacquires copy manager data in the specified time interval in seconds.
· Adding an SSL Certificate to the Store.
Displays information about the specified Job . The /verbose parameter provides detailed information about the job.
Determines if notify interface is registered for the specified Job .
In this example, the user types httpcfg delete ssl with the required -i parameter to delete the associated certificate record from the SSL store.
httpcfg query iplisten.
The -i parameter takes a string that specifies the IP-Address:port combination. This serves as the record key identifying the SSL certificate being added. When using set ssl , the -i parameter is required.
The following options can be placed before the command:
Creates a job and assigns DisplayName to it. The type can be /Download , /Upload , or /Upload-Reply.
· Adding an IP Address to the iplisten Store.
Retrieves the job description for the specified Job .
o Static mode usage differs from dynamic mode usage in one respect. When you use dynamic mode, you indicate permit and blocking filters in FilterList , which you identify by using the -f parameter. When you use static mode, you indicate permit and blocking filters in NegotiationMethodList , which you identify by using the -n parameter. In addition to the parameters described for NegotiationMethodList under dynamic mode, you can also use the block , pass , or inpass parameters in static mode. The following table lists these parameters and descriptions of their behavior.
bitsadmin /gettype myjob.
The following tools are documented in the Support Tools help file (Suptools.chm) but are not installed in this release.
Retrieves the number of bytes transferred for the specified Job .
· Deleting a Certificate from the SSL Store.
Specifies one or more security methods, separated by spaces, for securing traffic defined by the filter list.
The following output is displayed:
Adds multiple files to the specified Job . Each line of TextFile lists a file's remote name and local name, separated by spaces. A line beginning with '#' is treated as a comment. After the file set is read into memory, the contents are added to the job.
Start Windows XP Professional, and then insert the Windows XP Professional CD in your CD-ROM drive. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
· 4 - Enable revocation freshness time.
Sets the ACL propagation flags for the specified Job . ACLFlags is a string of one or more of the following flags as shown in the following table:
o For the -p parameter, if a policy with this name already exists, the rule you specify is added to the policy. Otherwise, a policy is created with the name you specify. The PollInterval parameter is optional and specifies when IPSec should check for policy updates, for example, when there are changes to assigned DNS servers. If you specify an integer for PollInterval , the polling interval for the policy is set to that number of minutes. If you do not specify PollInterval , the polling interval defaults to 480 minutes.
Depending on the action command used, adds ( set ), queries, or deletes namespace reservations. The HTTP API allows administrators to reserve URI namespaces and protect them with Access Control Lists (ACLs), so that only specified HTTP API clients can use them.
Sets the priority for the specified Job .
The Windows Support Tools for Microsoft Windows XP Professional are intended for use by Microsoft support personnel and experienced users to assist in diagnosing and resolving computer problems. For individual tool descriptions, see the Windows Support Tools online tool documentation (Suptools.chm).
Specifies that a confirmation prompt appears before the rule or policy is added.
ipseccmd \\corpsrv1 -f corpsrv2+corpsrv1 -n ah[md5]+esp[des,sha] -a p:"corpauth"
To create a rule on the computer named corpsrv1 for all traffic between the computers named corpsrv1 and corpsrv2, by using the combination of both AH and Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), with preshared key authentication, type:
If you use the following action command and store argument combination:
/setdescription Job Description.
To create mirrored filters to filter TCP traffic between Computer1 and Computer2, type:
The following output is displayed:
Retrieves the job type of the specified Job .
· If you use the \\ ComputerName parameter, you must use it before all the other parameters, and you must have administrator permissions on the computer to which you want to add the rule.
Retrieves the Internet Explorer proxy settings for the system Account of the user. If ConnectionName is not specified, settings are applied to the default network connection. The Account can be LOCALSYSTEM , NETWORKSERVICE , or LOCALSERVICE . Use ConnectionName (the name in quotes) to indicate the network connection to which the new proxy settings should be applied. If you do not specify ConnectionName , the default connection is used (this is usually the LAN connection). Use / conn /? for a list of possible connection names.
f – List of replaced files.
Wraps output to fit in a command window.
To create and assign a local policy named Me to Anyone, with a rule named Secure My Traffic, by using a mirrored filter for any traffic to the local computer, and by using a preshared key as the authentication method, type:
This document contains important information that is not included in the online Help for the Microsoft® Windows® Support Tools for Microsoft Windows® XP Professional, including information not available from other sources about setting up the Windows Support Tools for Microsoft Windows XP Professional. Also included are very important corrections and new information related to the Windows Support Tools and documentation.
bitsadmin /getfilestransferred myjob.
To find out how the number of bytes of the job have already been transferred, type:
The following output is displayed:
bitsadmin /cancel job1.
Get a Job's Type.
httpcfg delete iplisten -i
· 1 - Use DS Mapper.
· The -confirm parameter allows confirmation before setting policy and is available for dynamic mode only.
To find out when a job was last modified, type:
/util [ / setieproxy Account usage ] [ / conn ConnectionName ]
· bitsadmin / util /setieproxy localsystem MANUAL_PROXY pxy1,pxy2,pxy3 NULL.
Run /list /allusers /verbose.
bitsadmin /getowner myjob.
To create a filter for all TCP traffic from the subnet, port 80, to the subnet, port 80, type:
you can use the following parameter:
Tools Not Documented.
What Others Are Downloading.
Installing from the Command Prompt.
Retrieves the proxy bypass list for the specified Job .
Deletes all jobs in the manager. If run by an administrator with the / allusers parameter, all jobs are deleted. If run by a normal user, only the jobs owned by the user are deleted.
The myjob job has not yet completed.

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