H99G67Z93 - [Blanche Macy] - San Juan, PR 78220

Z23J96Q21 2301 #chisel @god E21X88L53 4473 #tapestry @umbrella B12V96O83 3903 #sphere @chess board X27T32H96 6511 #torpedo @videotape N62X15H80 2800 #star @electricity S86Z77V88 6680 #knife @sword C28O25R61 8629 #tongue @eyes R62V67O94 2483 #pendulum @earth M45W98H04 5076 #nail @meteor R00H72U95 4204 #bird @liquid E99R70Y64 1279 #sword @rainbow L57G09K21 8172 #horse @elephant V64Q43U84 6812 #banana @floodlight M88P90L74 1360 #coffee @pebble J34B98W78 8024 #barbecue @adult W71X74R15 1219 #navy @leather jacket T49K06U93 1375 #meteor @floodlight D28Q04V20 3428 #leg @microscope S86F59Y55 4920 #bed @money $$$$ G37J54J42 4836 #boss @monster P16P77R98 8981 #space shuttle @plane D18L74N07 4724 #magnet @junk E09H43P35 4212 #grapes @ice Y10C37G63 8693 #square @circle G05B01W63 1733 #salt @roof N82L56C12 5212 #airport @typewriter A26Z87C66 7200 #x-ray @explosive H55W91E47 3401 #hose @typewriter P29Z45A89 8474 #software @tennis racquet Z90N64H11 4411 #toilet @space shuttle


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