Getting Tired of 우리카지노? 10 Sources of Inspiration That'll Rekindle Your Love

I know what you're thinking..."Better put on the hip waders, and not just because we're going fishing!" Believe it or not, the moon has far more to do with catching fish than you might think. Bear with me for a minute, try to keep an open mind, and I will show you a secret that most people don't know about.

The fact is, the moon really does have a direct impact on the number of fish you catch and the size of those fish. The reason is that the gravitational pull of the moon on the earth affects the places and the timing of fish feeding patterns, and in fact almost every animal that is not a primate. Fish are particularly susceptible to the gravitational effects of the moon because of the differing heights of the tides. When you think about, the moon has a direct effect on the entire environment in which fish live!

So, what exactly are those effects, you might ask? During the monthly new moon and full moon phases, all other factors being the same, you will catch more and bigger fish. This remains true for about 2 days on either side of the peak phases.

Aside from the monthly phases of the moon, there is also a daily lunar effect on fish feeding habits. Moonrise and moonset appear to be very good times to go fishing, if other factors like the weather are cooperative. Studies show that fish are more active 90 minutes before and after either the moonrise or moonset. Given this, you now know when is a good time to go fishing, provided it fits your schedule!

Now, the fishing magazines and sites around the Internet will have you believe that the relationship between solar/lunar cycles and fishing is much more complex than I have explained here. In reality it's not. In fact, if you try to follow most of the charts out there, you will find no direct correlation between those charts and the number and size of fish you catch.

So, the next time you're planning a big fishing trip, make sure you know when the moon sets and rises for that day and plan around it. You will find your fishing experience a much more rewarding one for having that bit of knowledge. I promise!

Every month, the Moon completes one revolution around the Earth. When it completes half of its journey, there will be a line up of Sun, Earth, and Moon in that order otherwise known as a full moon. But sometimes, generally once every six months, the bodies align so precisely that the Earth's shadow blocks the reflected light of the Moon. 메리트카지노 That is what astronomers call a lunar eclipse.

Astrologically, lunar eclipses are full moons on steroids and their message is about saying good-bye and letting go. The reason is that a full moon is the culmination of the monthly lunar cycle. That is, after the dark of the new moon, the moon grows until its light reaches maximum fullness. That point is the full moon. From there the moon's light diminishes until it is again dark and time to begin a new lunar cycle. So, by definition, the full moon is not the time of new beginnings but a time when we reap what we have sowed.

This is true of any cycle between any two orbiting bodies in the solar system such as Sun and Saturn, or Neptune and Uranus. There is a beginning, a waxing phase, a culmination, and then a waning phase. Because the phases of the Moon dominate the night sky, this concept is easiest to grasp with the lunar cycle.

New moons and full moons frequently trigger events. So watch the headlines carefully at that time. But eclipses are much stronger, and so is their ability as triggers. More important, is the ability of an eclipse to trigger events in your personal life. Generally this happens when an eclipse, solar or lunar, touches a planet or sensitive point by conjunction, square or opposition within a degree or two. Look to the sign and house positions to see where you are most likely to be impacted. This is where you will find the thing to which you will say good-bye.

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