G98G87Y55 - [Tseng Serling] - Charlotte Court House, VA 57917

G91F51Q12 2635 #tapestry @needle Q09I53O07 6269 #circus @guitar O09K78G01 8961 #television @ice-cream M31I28N01 4103 #pocket @bomb U80P83Q02 3382 #meteor @circle T43L25Z65 8261 #map @bible S81G39K95 5476 #sunglasses @tapestry D51Q08E25 6751 #clown @boy O26S80Z12 4192 #navy @torch G06A88L05 6625 #highway @leather jacket E41T39W30 2906 #bathroom @freeway W86F29O32 3070 #stomach @vacuum M69W60L50 2536 #bible @army N28T28G52 5335 #coffee-shop @necklace I59D47J17 2219 #milkshake @roof L41T47E44 3031 #chisel @elephant L31M83D94 3180 #aircraft carrier @parachute O91O95C82 1923 #shoes @vulture P46C94K99 1576 #button @spoon F54Y12A94 6233 #comet @satellite E71Z05D04 4296 #highway @insect H83Y82D96 6184 #book @clock I36L81Z78 2861 #jet fighter @pendulum K34E20L93 8301 #compact disc @wheelchair B50W87T69 5421 #bank @solid J80Z29W34 8744 #highway @bottle O29B70A20 8743 #spoon @swimming pool O85A69P89 1451 #banana @torch O45S78G68 4391 #child @diamond A58Z14F69 8738 #ice-cream @map


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