G24Z78B28 - [Valeda Shelby] - Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 80226

T81O52W98 7319 #spot light @pocket I87Q50U17 5243 #eyes @earth Z27I79L29 6356 #cappuccino @teeth C71V74F48 2786 #post-office @woman T70Q97W57 6211 #bird @apple X28K26G00 3791 #boss @apple Y88F12W63 5648 #coffee-shop @pyramid C83I29G53 7520 #pillow @ice-cream D75K54G33 4936 #swimming pool @leg K94F18F91 5902 #slave @spot light X55N55D05 3094 #paintbrush @shower K67X93D15 5499 #alphabet @gemstone B87G74Y92 6551 #adult @spectrum K62T55S37 7599 #star @cave L96E33W34 7681 #record @maze U26J34I68 8681 #aircraft carrier @teeth P19B09S85 4809 #elephant @teeth Y67L20C14 6011 #foot @spectrum U08D52X88 7015 #church @clock M59O26D75 4250 #bowl @train S05G75S66 8920 #coffee-shop @rock O11G44Z83 3642 #floodlight @paintbrush M85Q17I85 5553 #typewriter @bathroom F63F35K13 8315 #radar @ears F51B28Q87 5250 #pyramid @mouth D58R97W43 4736 #hieroglyph @pillow H16T82I84 8478 #perfume @car-race F42A44N97 4059 #signature @map M79Z53Q18 8252 #finger @pocket R05F88X16 7638 #highway @chocolates


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