French actress Juliette Binoche stages musical in Shanghai

Renowned French actress Juliette Binoche staged her new musical at Shanghai Grand Theater Monday night.Find the shanghai news, photos, videos and featured stories on Shine News. SHINE provides trusted national and world news as well as local and regional perspectives.

Binoche played late French singer Monique Andree Serf, whose stage name was Barbara, accompanied by pianist Vincent Leterme.

"Barbara turns the darkness of life into brightness and the black velvet into brilliant sunshine. She lived an extraordinary life as a female artist," Binoche said. "No woman is perfect. There are only real woman in this world, real and true. I believe women should be brave to accept themselves whatever age they are."

The actress visited Shanghai twice in 2009 to participate in an international film festival and stage a dance drama.

Binoche said she is looking forward to cooperating with Chinese film director Jia Zhangke.

"I am a fan of Jia Zhangke. He has a sensitive and delicate style, and his movies open an eye for the audience," she said.

The musical will be staged in Shenzhen and Beijing Thursday and Sunday.

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