F97C34N48 - [Milurd Fredberg] - Isabela, PR 81126

M60M06N53 6097 #hammer @vulture T90S68M26 1774 #apple @flower C16P99L64 1396 #shop @ice M47A26E59 8145 #thermometer @film E58W83H17 7917 #horoscope @aeroplane Y74S65Z00 2982 #gate @flower M62O25G43 4718 #highway @printer R06H15H21 6243 #hat @ice-cream N72P21X30 5345 #kitchen @web N45I95N43 7638 #coffee-shop @spice X99D61D00 3185 #spot light @swimming pool H18Q42S76 5836 #fan @clown T16P40L44 6377 #box @record C58U96R22 8152 #x-ray @pants P45X15G18 1934 #junk @cycle D18Y11Z61 4972 #swimming pool @kaleidoscope D62B72W65 5903 #fork @dress Z03F65E28 7711 #tennis racquet @chess board K35L37O88 6463 #eyes @telescope C74A87H35 3193 #carrot @baby T66W57T66 4838 #mist @square L62F10E98 7761 #pebble @sandwich H89D04X63 2912 #earth @ice-cream U12T74G15 2741 #mouth @necklace Y70P24V28 7271 #ears @airforce F65V15D09 7216 #software @mouth X99M82G70 1152 #mist @rope V51E03N37 8142 #money $$$$ @drill F34K54F03 7860 #girl @army Q36W45W78 5121 #airforce @compact disc


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