

download relaxing nature sounds

Name: download relaxing nature sounds
Category: Soft
Published: centdeaspazo1974
Language: English



























Whoever voted for this get rid of your inner teenage girl, and if you are a teenage girl, grow up - Spongebob-129.
Its even hard to listen to the soundtrack because the memories of the movie are so gut wrenching, every note of the music reminds me of the tragedy of the movie, brings tears to my eyes.
Why is this only at Number 16? This is one of the most powerful, most inspiring movie soundtracks ever. I bet that quite a lot of the scenes in the movie, as fantastic as it is, wouldn't be as good without the soaring soundtrack.
The Top Ten.
The Lord of The Rings soundtrack is the best I've ever heard. The music is just the right for what was happening, and it suited the time it took place on. I like it very much.
What's this doing' way down here at 41? Deserves to be a lot higher!
The best soundtrack for a film ever made and probably the best work Hans Zimmer has done and will ever do. Unmatched by it's epic and brilliance this soundtrack it's an absolute masterpiece.
Beautiful, powerful, moving, triumphant, energetic, intense, and relaxing all in one! It took a musical genius to compose these pieces. I mean, who doesn't love the piece "He's a Pirate"?
Really? This fake 50s trash?
Danny Elfman also does Jack's singing voice as well.
James horner just made history. Nearer to everyone's heart. No doubt greatest of ever.
Far better than Titanic, easily one of the best soundtrack you may listen to. Horner tends to photocopy a lot, including himself. That score is less prone to xerox than many of his other ones. That score was so epic Horner kept using Gaelic/Irish musical instruments afterwards.
Most epic theme ever! Awesome soundtrack, for awesome movies! Only number 38! Come on people, Jurassic Park wins, hands down! - Blubbydubber1.
At least top 20. This is original compositions not a gathering of previously recorded songs.
Number 1 songs thru the generations.
This is totally my favorite soundtrack of all time. My 3 favorite track's are, My heart will go on, Hymn to the sea, and The Sinking.P. S This is also my favorite movie of all time, And so far, the only movie I ever cried Watching.
A really beautiful sound track that personifies the end of the movie. - Cbatower.
What? The best album ever below music from star wars and the lord of the rings?
This theme is just so iconic. you hear it everywhere in culture. especially when something big's about to happen. this is alex north's best work yet.
The title track is from Barry Gibb - BeeGeesfan999.
How is this not in the top 2. This is a modern classic. The music is just pure EPICness in the climax.. Not to mention that scene was one of the most EPIC fight scenes ever! This has to be no 2.. After Lord Of The Rings,
How is this not on here. This is one of the most well known movie soundtraacks.
The score is emotionally riveting, and you replay it countless times and still find the soundtrack incredibly refreshing.
Much better than Frozen, because it's even longer and developed even better!
I agree such fun.
Every tune Hans Zimmer has created is a masterpiece - ankittayal1.
How is this not the first? The Star Wars movie soundtrack will go down in history as one of the defining moments in the industry. My personal favourites are the Main Theme, the Imperial March, and The Cantina Band.
Its one of the beat scores of all time. The movie alone was way ahead of its time with the use of practical and computer generated effects, and the score just makes it that much better.
The whole entire Harry Potter OST is amazing.
The most beautiful soundtrack ever. - MontyPython.
This is a CLASSIC piece of art by the Beatles, the best musicians of all time, and it's below frozen.
One of the best movie scores in the 1990's.
Any song in this movie is good.
THE ONLY ONE WHo could ever reach me, was a son of a preacher man!
Should be 1st place.
The best soundtrack. By far!
Deserves to be Number 1! It's absolutely Beautiful! Even the films not scored by John Williams! - punyraisin.
One of the most complex and memorable soundtracks of all time! Honestly, this should be at #1 or #2. There are a dozen incredible principal leitmotifs, and over 80 altogether.
A movie with all original music by THE Beatles? Yes, that should definitely be in the #1 spot!
Better than best.
The best of the best of the best. - dureckl.
Epic. Really awesome, and completely soul stirring. When I listened to it I knew ihad to pick it up. (by the way did so in a week.
In the House, In a Heartbeat. Best apocalyptic music there has been.
So awesome, that it can make a room full of people scream!
Of course Star Wars music is the best! I know it places SECOND place on the list right now, but it will be in first place. It is iconic, is is epic, it is emotional, it is what makes the movie itself. Without the music in Star Wars, it wouldn't be as much as a popular movie. The music, and the movie itself, make Star Wars the best movie AND the best music on the list.
John Powell is a magician. You can literally imagine and visualise the scenes from the movie when you listen to the soundtrack. You can feel the breeze rustling by while listen to 'Test Drive' and 'Forbidden Friendship' warms my heart to the core. The music can bring tears to your eyes and it makes the movie so much more beautiful - ReinaDAmore.
This has got to be one of the most overused soundtracks of all time. I'm not kidding. I hear it everywhere in T. V, in movies, and in video games. It usually plays whenever something scary or shocking happens (especially when it's used as a joke). now that is quite an accomplishment for a film soundtrack. it's even inspired other horror movie soundtracks as well.
From the moment I started listening to the pieces of music from this film, chills ran up and down my spine non-stop. No one could ever create such an emotional complex of music that dives straight into your heart. Hans Zimmer is the best there is, was, and ever will be.
Nothing really special is it.
Ultimate soundtrack. John Powell is my personally best composer. "Romantic Flight", "This Is Berk", "Test Drive", "Coming Back Around", "Where Is Hiccup" are certainly awesome, but "Forbidden Friendship" is best of all. It is the soul of soundtrack. It is unparalleled. It certainly deserves number one spot. This is the best soundtrack. Though movie is absolutely good but without John Powell is not the best. This soundtrack has influenced me most.
Boring! Doesn't hold a candle to the thrilling scores of Sherlock Holmes or Pirates of the Caribbean.
I have an intensely physical and emotional response to this music.
So extremely epic.
Agreed this soundtrack does not have even a single original song and is all but a playlist but the way the songs merge into the movie and become an integral part of it is just phenomenal! This soundtrack does deserve a much higher rating!

I Should Of Bought This The Other Day I Saw It At The Store For 5$ - VideoGamefan5.
This contains all my favorite themes from the Pirates movies! I absolutely love Up is Down. It very well may be my favorite movie song ever.
Best selling soundtrack of all time with several number one hits.
The Contenders.
What a great film and soundtrack.
Simply epic from start to end. Lots of different leitmotifs, which together manage to make you feel all the different emotions from the movie, going from calm and relaxed themes (Concerning Hobbits) to fast paced and dark tunes such as Mordor and Isengard themes (The Hornburg). Being a big fan of the books, I can also confirm that it fits really well with everything, from Hobbits to Mordor, passing by Elves, Rohan and lots more.
The second best from the titan James Horner - MatrixGuy.
Chuck, listen to this - PinkF.
How to train your dragon above the Lion King. One of the most aclamed musicals ever?
Psychological Recovery 6 Months, Catonic, Discombobulate, My Mind Rebels During Stagnation and Panic Sheer Bloody Panic are the highlights in this OST - jezza0.
The T2 main theme still holds up as one of THE most epic themes.
Genius music. Really paints a picture in your mind, and makes you remember the film.
An Oscar nominated score that's unconventional in it's usage of broken pianos. Shame Pixar's Up won that year because this score was a million miles above that sentimental pap.
This post is by Eminem and this is the best most!
Staggering in its emotional expression. While its easy to acknowledge the epic themes of tracks such as Test Drive, its melody stirring to create a powerful motif such as that employed by Hans Zimmer in the Batman Trilogy, it is the raw and varying emotion throughout the film that should put it in the top 5. Forbidden Friendship, for instance, is a true masterpiece, reflecting character development in an experimental way alien to the generic and repetitive themes of recent blockbuster titles.
Hans Zimmer at his finest! - PeeledBanana.
This movie's songs are way to over played - MaverickRide.
Christmas songs and Halloween songs like no others? how is this not #1.
This theme is so horrifying, I wet my pants with fear after I hear it! Never have I heard a theme so perfectly constructed with suspension and terror. it's just so frightening on so many levels.
A window to the past. Look it up.
Includes, Cream, Muddy Waters, Derek & The Dominoes and more. - BrianScott01.
Best soundtrack ever. The Theme, Marcia, the Carriage of are Spirits, the Saint Anthony Mission, Father Ramirez, Story of a Soldier, Marcia without Hope, the Death of a Soldier, the Ecstasy of Gold, and the Trio are all amazing tracks making up the single best soundtrack ever.
Such a great movie, but it's the music that really makes it memorable! Especially the Main Theme, every time I hear it that scene comes to mind.
The best selling soundtracks of all time.
Genius music. Very soulful. The modern classics. - tem.
Well this movie is just classic it belongs in top 10.
While I do think that the first movie track was all around better, this one has so many moments of such perfection. Drink up Me Hearties Yo Ho is such a great song, Up is down is so amazing. The soundtrack really aided the movie. Still prefer the first, but some of these individual songs cause chills every time. - NymeriaWaters.
This Land is breathtaking. Won Zimmer a well-deserved Oscar.
I understand this not being in top 5 but come on it deserves to be in top 10. Just listen to the soundtrack; A window to the Past is a great musical piece. Every phrase of that music gives me goosebumps. Buckbeaks flight is another excellent composing.
Good but. Dvorak 9? Anyone? - NymeriaWaters.
This is the best one, cause Eminem made it with many other rapstars and it had sold 10 million copies in the world.
All the scores in this classic-beautiful movie are EPIC. Just couldn't find another perfect word to describe them.
I get jacked up every time I hear those five notes.
The music fits perfectly with the mysery of the Mofia and has a grate instrumentation it’s not the best, but definitely should be in the top 10, maybe even top 5.
This movie should be a category of its own. The sound of Morricone is too great to be in this list. Where are the other spaghettis? This is just pure ignorance people!
Absolute Masterpiece. Gives me goosebumps even now.. :) :) All Hail Hans!
Some of the best music ever.
Musically to rank trash like Grease ahead of this masterpiece of a score is insane.
It just keeps playing in your head, and it's the most recognisable song of the horror movies.
Really great work of Eminem "Lose Yourself" is an absolute epic song, the other songs are also great.
Perhaps the greatest soundtrack ever written.. But unfortunately that's what it is; a single track. Hans Zimmer excels in the recent art or thematic motif however fails to deviate and hence illuminate the intricacies of character and development through music. Although this allows audiences to re-experience the raw emotions associated with the theme's appearance, hence providing a powerful ending, it could do more in aiding the film through the exploration of further emotion.
Every piece of music in this film is a masterpiece. Epic beyond words. Movies like this one will probably never be replicated to any real comparison. It sets the bar too high.
This is legendery.
Highlights include So Overt It's Covert and The End? - jezza0.
This should be near the bottom of this list it has ONE descent song on it the rest are either mediocre or just god damn annoying - christangrant.
Waltz of death is quite circussy in a good way.
Not even in the top 10? My personal favorite. - Spongebob-129.
What's this doing so low? It's easily so memorable. I'd put it higher above the list.
Made me want to stand and represent for all that I felt strongly about. Inspiring. Hans at his finest.
"Once Upon a Time In America" is a different movie, albeit made by the some of the same people.
I get tears from the opening.
This should totally be at number one. I could rant all day about this film and how amazing it is, but I'm just gonna stay on the soundtrack business. The soundtrack to this film completely blew me away. It sent chills up my spine and warmed my heart. It completely matched what was actually going on in the film and I could listen to it all day. John Powell did a great job with this soundtrack. It definitely deserves to be higher. Maybe second? I don't think it would beat LOTR but second will be good :) Love it.
Hands down for me the greatest theme song of all time. Just listen to it. It's the definition of epic. As well as that there's also plenty of other awesome tracks such as The Ecstasy of Gold and The Trio. - Ross115.
The anticipation felt at the end when they are all in the circle to kill each other is masterful my favorite western my favorite soundtrack.
Although Zimmer's expansions upon the score were for the most part stronger than what Badelt did, many of Badelt's compositions fitted their allotted characters superbly.
"Once Upon a Time In the West" has a rich collection of themes, unlike other movies which have not more than 1 theme. - Gaspar.
James Horner is one of the greatest composers of the century, without a doubt.
The theme to Terminator 2 is a very nice theme. there's a real tragedy to it that makes you feel the surprising emotional weight of the story and the characters.
Some critics have cited parallels between this score (which consists of two notes), and Frank Churchill's theme music for "Man" in Bambi (which consisted of three simple notes).
Undoubtedly the most iconic movie score of all time. How is this second? How are the scores to Indiana Jones, Requiem for a Dream, and 2001: A Space Odyssey not in the Top 10. Lord of the Rings has an excellent score, but Star Wars is incomparable. That anything else could take first place makes my question the sanity of The Top Tens users.
Top Ten Best Movie Soundtracks.
So simple yet so beautiful. the perfect music to accompany this mentally challenged man in his journey. when ever I hear it I picture a feather falling from the sky and Forrest running across the country.
Come on what's Twilight doing above this? - Spongebob-129.
The Nolan films are great in all ways except one: MUSIC! Elfman's soundtrack truly defines Batman. This should be at least in the top ten. (LotR first, of course) Now if only Elfman and Nolan had worked together. Sigh.
Love star wars but just had to vote for this one - BestPersonEvaaa.
Why is this so low it has a spectacular sound track.
Very atmospheric with the broken pianos and the accordions complementing one another.
More or less every song on this soundtrack is great and I would go as far to say that this is the best soundtrack of any Disney film, even better than The Lion King and I'm a 26 year old, male, classic rock fan.
The music is genius! It is the living part of the movie and you can picture every scene while listening to the soundtrack. Will and Elizabeth Symphony is just amazing! Up and Down, Hoist The Colors, The Parlay, Singapore, etc. - every piece is brilliantly done.
Not as good as star wars but easily a top ten - jarjar36.

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